Nancy Pineda-Madrid (Photo by Peter Julian)
School of Theology and Ministry Associate Professor Nancy Pineda-Madrid has received a 2018 Outstanding Educator Award from Latina Center MARIA for service to the Latino community in the Greater Boston Area. At the May 4 awards dinner, Pineda-Madrid delivered a keynote address on “Practicing Imagination, Practicing Hope – A Holy Endeavor.”
Pineda-Madrid holds a doctorate in systematic and philosophical theology from the Graduate Theological Union. Her areas of research and teaching interest include systematic and practical theology, Latino/a theologies, salvation, and feminist theologies. She is the past president of Academy of Catholic Hispanic Theologians of the United States and former vice president of International Network of Societies of Catholic Theology. She is the author of the book Suffering and Salvation in Ciudad Juárez and co-editor of the STM faculty-authored books, Hope: Promise, Possibility, and Fulfillment and The Holy Spirit: Setting the World on Fire.
The Latina Center MARIA, which opened in 2016, provides emotional and spiritual support as well as professional development and parenting workshops to immigrant women. The center’s executive director and founder is Magalie Torres-Rowe, a 2017 STM graduate and educator who has volunteered at Catholic parishes and dioceses in Peru, Mexico, and the U.S. for more than 20 years.
-- Kathleen Sullivan | University Communications | May 2018