Franco Mormando, Michael Martin, Ina Mullis, Susan Roberts, Mary Bilder, Kalpana Seshadri, Marilynn Johnson, and Eileen Donovan-Kranz at a reception for 25-year employees. (Peter Julian)
Boston College will honor retiring administrators, faculty, and staff at the annual President’s Recognition Dinner on May 29. The Office of Governmental and Community Affairs also will present its annual Community Service Award at the event.
The University recognized employees marking 25 years at BC on May 1 at a reception that featured remarks by University President William P. Leahy, S.J., Provost and Dean of Faculties David Quigley, and Vice President for Human Resources David Trainor.
Retiring employes include: Nancy Adams, Catherine Albano, Theresa Alden, Alexis Anderson, Jenny Baglivo, Daniel Beaton, Maureen Beauregard, Ben Birnbaum, Oliva Blanchette, Rory Browne, Robert Carpenter, Carol Cianfrocca, M. Shawn Copeland, RoseMarie DeLeo, Melinda Donovan, Kenneth Doucette, Joanna Doyle, Margery Ferry, James Flagg, Joan Fleming, Anderson Franklin, Cely Garcia, Gary Gilbert, Jane Hall, Penny Hauser-Cram, Gabor Kalman, Richard Keeley, T. Ross Kelly, Syed Khan, Marvin Kraus, James Kreinbring, Robert Lay, Robin Lydenberg, Melita Malley, Patrick Maney, and Fr. Joseph Marchese.
Also retiring are Susan Mattis, Beth McAleer, Ruth McRoy, Junona Moroianu, Anna Marie Murphy, Cyrus O’Neil, Francis Parker, S.J., Pamela Perry, William Petri, Margaret Ramirez, Donald Ricciato, Michael Rush, Patricia Russell, Patricia Ryan, Paul Shapiro, Judith Shindul-Rothschild, Robert Signorile, Carol Slattery, Michael Spinello, Joseph Tecce, John Williamson, and Peter Wilson.
(Parting Thoughts, 2019: Read reflections from retirees.)
Employees with 25 years of service are: Timothy Brady, Susan Burton, Freddy Castillo, Jane Costello, Pamela Cugini-Giatras, Maria Dacosta, Brian Eng, Henry Fadel, Robert Faria, Mary French, Kimberlee Gardner, John Hegarty, Donna Huynh, Kevin Lary, Bert Lenz, Andrea Murphy, Sara Nunziata, Bernard Pekala, Rodolfo Garcia, Mary Bilder, Betty Blythe, Eileen Donovan-Kranz, Marilynn Johnson, Richard Kearney, Michael Martin, Osiris Mejia, Franco Mormando, Robert Muller, Ina Mullis, George O’Har, Rita Owens, Susan Roberts, Kalpana Seshadri, and Jerry York.
—University Communications