How long is the tutorial?
The tutorial will take approximately one hour to complete.
How do I view my quiz responses and feedback?
There is a quiz at the end of each module, and you will be required to earn a minimum score before proceeding to the next module. After clicking “Submit Quiz” your responses along with feedback will be shown automatically.
How do I know that I’ve completed the tutorial?
Upon successful completion of the final Academic Integrity quiz, you will be redirected to a page indicating that you have successfully completed the Academic Integrity Tutorial, and that your Dean's Office will be notified.
Contact Info
For any technical issues with Canvas, please email us at canvas@bc.edu.
For any other questions or concerns, please contact the Dean’s office:
- p: 617-552-2800
- casdean@bc.edu
- The Academic Advising Center
- p: 617-552-9259
- acadvctr@bc.edu
- p: 617-552-4014
- ethan.sullivan@bc.edu
- p: 617-552-4925
- gribauda@bc.edu
- p: 617-552-2123
- lsoeundergrad@bc.edu