The Rule of the Congregation

1QRule of the Congregation (1Q28a [1QSa])

numbers denote lines

Col II     1 of fifties and of tens, and the levites, (each one) in the mid[st of his divi]sion of service. These 2 are the famous men, those summoned to the assembly, those gathered for the community council in Israel 3 under the authority of the sons of Zadok, the priests. No man, defiled by any of the impurities 4 of a man, shall enter the assembly of these; and everyone who is defiled by them should not be 5 established in his office amongst the congregation. And everyone who is defiled in his flesh, paralyzed in his feet or 6 in his hands, lame, blind, deaf, dumb or defiled in his flesh with a blemish 7 visible to the eyes, or the tottering old man who cannot keep upright in the midst of the assembly, 8 these shall not enter to take their place among the congregation of famous men, for the angels 9 of holiness are among their congre[gation.] And if one of these has something to say to the holy council, 10 they shall investigate it in private, but the man shall not enter in the midst of [the congregation,] because he is defiled. 11 This is the assembly of famous men, [those summoned to] the gathering of the community council, when [God] begets 12 the Messiah with them. [The] chief [priest] of all the congregation of Israel shall enter, and all 13 [his brothers, the sons] of Aaron, the priests [summoned] to the assembly, the famous men, and they shall sit 14 befo[re him, each one] according to his dignity. After, [the Me]ssiah of Israel shall ent[er] and before him shall sit the chiefs 15 [of the clans of Israel, each] one according to his dignity, according to their [positions] in their camps and in their marches. And all 16 the chiefs of the cl[ans of the congre]gation with the wise [men and the learned] shall sit before them, each one according 17 to his dignity. And [when] they gather at the table of community [or to drink] the new wine, and the table of 18 community is prepared [and] the new wine [is mixed] for drinking, [no-one should stretch out] his hand to the first-fruit of the bread 19 and of the [new wine] before the priest, for [he is the one who bl]esses the first-fruit of bread 20 and of the new wine [and stretches out] his hand towards the bread before them. Afterwards, the Messiah of Israel shall stretch out his hand 21 towards the bread. [And afterwards, shall] bless all the congregation of the community, each [one according to] his dignity. And in accordance with this regulation they shall act 22 at each me[al, when] at least ten m[en are gat]hered. Blank