Dear Parma Students:

We appreciate your patience over the past several days, and can imagine that this has been a stressful time. We have had a number of students and parents contact us, encouraging us to keep open the BC in Parma program, and "wait and see". However, given the uncertainty of how long the closures will actually last in Northern Italy, we feel a need to make a more definitive decision at this point. After much thought and consideration, Boston College has come to the conclusion that it is necessary for us to close the BC in Parma program for the spring 2020 semester.

More details about academics will be shared at the beginning of next week. For now, I can confirm that your Resident Directors, Betta and Caterina Dacci, have been working with your faculty to ensure that you can continue with coursework while at home. Dante faculty will be giving lectures online, most likely via Zoom, and sharing readings and assignments electronically.

UniParma students will be able to continue with online versions of the Italian language and Critica Cinematografica e Televisiva courses. It will not be possible to continue with the internship course and so you should choose another course from among those offered at Dante. Given that the Dante courses began last week, there is still time for you to join. You will not have the same level of Italian immersion, yet will be able to earn credit.

You should begin making plans to leave Parma. Our goal is to have all students out of Parma by this Sunday, March 1. However, if you need more time, please be in touch with Betta and Caterina.

Boston College will bear the cost of change fees for an economy class ticket price for any existing reservation to return you home. You may make these arrangements yourself and we will reimburse any costs within the parameters above. Receipts may be emailed to Nick D'India, copied on this message, or sent by mail to the Office of International Programs.

As you leave Italy, we would ask you to keep in mind that many Italians whom you have come to know and like will not have the same option to leave. Please help us in thanking them for their warm hospitality, and in showing our support as they continue to deal with the challenges of COVID-19 in their community.

Thanks to all of you for your patience and understanding. Throughout this process, Nick D'India will be your point person in the OIP, along Caterina and Betta Dacci onsite. Please be in touch should you have any questions.

Best Wishes,

Nick J. Gozik, Ph.D.
Director, Office of International Programs