Campus Update Wednesday April 1, 2020
- Governor Charlie Baker has extended the executive order requiring remote work for all non-essential employees in Massachusetts until May 4.
- Governor Baker’s travel advisory remains in effect. All travelers arriving or returning to Massachusetts are instructed to self-quarantine for 14 days. Visitors are instructed not to travel to Massachusetts if they are displaying symptoms of COVID-19. Essential personnel who live out of state are exempt. BC students, faculty, and staff should adhere to the Governor’s order.
- Approximately 312 students remain on the BC campus, with dedicated service provided to them by staff in Residential Life, Dining Services, Facilities, and ITS.
- Currently, there are no students in isolation at Boston College. As a precaution, four students are being quarantined in a designated area of the Thomas More Apartments on Lower Campus.
- Course Registration for BC Summer Sessions and Fall Semester classes begins this week.
- Summer Session I, (May 13-June 19) will be offered exclusively online.
No decision has yet been made on Summer Session II (June 21-July 31).
- All on-campus community members are required to continue practicing physical distancing of at least 6 feet.
- Information on livestreamed Holy Week Masses will be emailed to the BC Community.