M.Div., 2021
The CSTM played a huge role in helping me discern and pursue what I now consider my vocation.
Ringoes, NJ
Undergraduate Institution and Major
Georgetown University, Justice and Peace Studies
Current Position
Staff chaplain at Brigham & Women's Faulkner Hospital and St. Elizabeth's Medical Center
CSTM Community
One of the most important sources of community I found was my M.Div. cohort, specifically the lay students. For the first one or two semesters, we had almost identical schedules so we could really rely on each other for academic support. I also became very close with my coworkers in Campus Ministry.
Even now, much of my community continues to stem from my experiences at the CSTM. I regularly spend time with a few friends I made at CSTM and half my bridal party is comprised of classmates. One of Jesuits in my cohort is even celebrating my wedding mass. At work, I continue to find CSTM alumni everywhere, which makes me feel all the more at home. I'm so grateful for the many communities I was and still am a part of thanks to the CSTM.
My Experience
One overarching theme that stands out to me still are the experiences I had with women at the CSTM. Professors like M. Shawn Copeland (now Professor Emerita), Melissa Kelley, Sister Meg Guider, and Colleen Griffith were all individuals that made me feel seen and empowered both in and outside the classroom. Hearing Sr. Guider tell me at the end of my synthesis exam that I had learned to “think theologically” was simultaneously one of the proudest and most humbling moments of my degree. The relationships I built with women classmates were, in large part, what sustained me during times where self-doubt threatened to get in my way (and God’s way).
Generous financial aid and access to on-campus jobs reserved for CSTM students made it possible for me to even consider moving to Boston and pursuing the M.Div.
The most impactful way in which the CSTM worked and still works for me was helping me find my way into a career in healthcare chaplaincy. The connections I made at CSTM were such a huge part of what helped me get into a CPE residency after graduation and even the jobs I hold now. The CSTM played a huge role in helping me discern and pursue what I now consider my vocation.
M.Div., 2019
CSTM provided me with a world-class theological education and a solid practical pastoral care foundation that has been an invaluable asset to my work as a chaplain.
Issaquah, Washington
Undergraduate Institution and Major
Gonzaga University, English Writing and Religious Studies
Current Position
Staff Chaplain, Lucile Packard Children's Hospital at Stanford
Most Meaningful Event at CSTM
Meeting my spouse!
Community at CSTM
My community at CSTM primarily had three different lenses: through the wonderful community I experienced with the other lay students in my M.Div. cohort, through singing in the CSTM Schola Cantorum, and as an active member of Gaudete, our LGBTQ+ affinity group. Each gave me a different taste of life at CSTM and each was invaluable for my own sense of growth and community.
M.A. Theology and Ministry (Hybrid), 2024
The CSTM gives me the great gift of a community of students who are building the future of the Church through rich discussion, prayer, and praxis.
Cleveland, OH
Undergraduate Institute and Major
The Catholic University of America, Theology and Religious Studies
Current Position
Theology Teacher and Drama Director, St. Ignatius High School in Cleveland, OH
My Experience
My most meaningful class has been Franciscan Spirituality with Sr. Meg Guider. I loved this class because it so excellently combined Church history, spirituality, and ministerial practices. It was one of my first in-person classes at the CSTM, where each student was given the opportunity to be vulnerable, pray together, and learn a lot about a tradition that often goes unnoticed at a Jesuit school!
The CSTM has allowed me to pursue a rigorous theological education rooted in the Catholic, Jesuit tradition while actively applying what I learn in the classroom to my ministry. I am so grateful that I could continue my fulltime work in ministry while also deepening my craft with students all over the world.
M.T.S., 2023
Whether watching The Chosen after a long day of work or taking a study break to split some gluten free brownies, our CSTM community sustains me every day.
Vienna, VA
Undergraduate Institution and Major
University of Notre Dame, Majors: Music & Spanish, Minors: Education, Schooling, and Society & Catholic Social Tradition
STM is a place where I can flourish intellectually and spiritually within a community that supports me as I discern how I will enact change in the Church and the world. The expertise and mentorship of professors, the rich student life, and the commitment of the CSTM to justice in ministry inspire me daily and make the CSTM a place I love to be.
My Experience
I had the opportunity to complete a directed readings course with three CSTM faculty members that was a very meaningful experience for my personal and professional development at CSTM. It was incredible to be able to develop a syllabus, dive into important topics, and engage in this learning with faculty members drawing from their expertise in dialogue with the course materials. Throughout the process, I felt so supported in pursuing scholarship that mattered to me, and I will continue drawing from this experience in my future work.
M.Div., 2024
Even after a year and a half, I am still astounded by how good the people are here.
Stamford, CT
Undergraduate Institute and Major
University of Notre Dame, Theology and Spanish
Most Meaningful Experience
The most meaningful experience I've had in my time at the CSTM (so far!) was accompanying a group of BC undergraduates on an immersion trip to El Salvador in April of my first year. As a graduate assistant with the Arrupe International Immersion Program, I had spent countless hours making spreadsheets, sending emails, and getting to know the students I would travel with. It was incredible to see all this hard work come together on the immersion. Seeing hints of the Holy Spirit at work in an experience that I had helped to create for students still leaves me without words - but with the conviction that I'm on the right path.
My Experience
Besides the top-notch people, what I like most about the CSTM is that my academic coursework is paired with hands-on experience. For me, that experience comes through my graduate assistantship, teaching confirmation class, and practical components of some of my classes (such as giving homilies in Preaching and acting out conversations in Pastoral Care and Counseling).
I love the community at the CSTM! Even after a year and a half, I am still astounded by how good the people are here. I appreciate that community time is blocked out in the CSTM schedule on Thursdays so I always have a chance to spend time with people. Mass, lunch, Student Forum, spikeball...the perfect Thursday routine with the best people.
MTS, 2024
Faculty are strongly invested in the academic and overall career success of their students, and I have met wonderful students who inspire me to consider how my academic vocation will positively impact the life of the church.
Pensacola, FL
Undergraduate Institute and Major
University of Notre Dame
Most Meaningful Course
Fr. Dunkle's Trinity in the Early Church course was fundamental to my academic formation. It was challenging and rigorous, but I was completely engaged in the material. Its intellectual rigor challenged my mind to its full extent; furthermore, the course reminded me that what the Trinity and other more "abstract" dogma should never be divorced from the lived experience of Christianity. This class and others have been an inspiration to pursue a doctorate in theology.
My Experience
The CSTM is a great fit for me because it emphasizes community without sacrificing any academic rigor. When applying for a MTS, a major priority for me was forming mentorships with faculty and students who take seriously their studies. In both respects the CSTM has fulfilled this desire. Faculty are strongly invested in the academic and overall career success of their students, and I have met wonderful students who inspire me to consider how my academic vocation will positively impact the life of the church. Along with this, the great breadth of courses available to students through the BTI, and especially the main campus, provide students many options for coursework. With this variety, students can tailor their degree to the theological interests and engage with doctoral classes and students, both at BC and across Boston.
STM events, and especially the lunches following Thursday liturgy, have been a great way to foster community for me. Perhaps even more formative for me, though, are the casual and informal conversations and friendships I have formed in the classroom, walking by others in the library, and around campus. In these interactions, It is always encouraging to see familiar faces from the classroom in the library as we all try to journey in our learning together.
M.A. Theology and Ministry, 2020
The CSTM gave me the tools and lens of social justice to grow as an individual and see myself as a minister in service to a larger community.
Westminster, MD
Undergraduate Institution and Major
University of Delaware, BA in Environmental Studies
Current Position
Director of Faith Formation, St. Ignatius of Loyola Church, Chestnut Hill, MA
CSTM Community
Community was at the heart of my experience at the CSTM. As a Graduate Assistant, I spent a lot of time in Simboli Hall in addition to my classes each week, and some of the most wonderful people I met during my time happened because of this. I enjoyed stopping in at the Service Center to chat with Mary Magennis and the other GAs, in between classes and at Repast with other students, meeting with professors during office hours, and talking with folks at the front desk at the TML. No matter where I went in the CSTM, a kind soul was there to greet me with a lovely conversation. These were moments of grace for me and reminded me that God is truly present in the people around us.
My Experience
The Practice of Ministry with Youth & Young Adults with Dr. Theresa O’Keefe solidified my desire to work with youth and young adults in a ministerial setting, and challenged me to reevaluate my own understanding of how young people learn about and understand their faith. This class gave me the tools and a lens to better understand how youth learn and grow developmentally, socially, and relationally in their faith.
CSTM offered me a chance to explore different aspects of theology and ministry in a time where I wasn’t sure what area of ministry I wanted to work within. The relationships I developed, conversations held, and classes during my 2 years of studies expanded my worldview of my faith and what it means to be Catholic. This was also a space I felt comfortable enough to ask deeper questions of myself, particularly related to my sexual orientation. The CSTM gave me the tools and lens of social justice to grow as an individual and see myself as a minister in service to a larger community.
M.Div., 2023
It is comforting to know that I am not alone in this journey; I am learning and ministering within a supportive community.
Scranton, Pennsylvania
Undergraduate Institution
University of Scranton
Current Position
Religion Teacher, Boston College High School
Meaningful Course
Ecclesial Ministry has been one of the most formative courses during my time at CSTM. Sr. Meg Guider facilitated the classroom in a way that welcomed and embraced the diverse perspectives and experiences from classmates. This made what we were learning each week practical and grounded in the reality of the Church in the 21st century. I found myself reconsidering what my role within the Church would be and how I might serve others in a sustainable way that genuinely takes my experience and identities as a 1st generation college student and second-generation Salvadoran-American into consideration. Ecclesial Ministry left me believing that my compass for ministry is better oriented towards where I will best serve others and God.
Learning goes well beyond the classroom at CSTM. I am grateful to be able to work in ministerial settings as a full-time student. While not every course I have taken has had a direct impact within a particular ministry setting, I have been surprised by which courses and topics have come up in day-to-day work. For example, I did not consider how Christological controversies in history and contemporary views about who Jesus, God and the Spirit are would present themselves in retreat settings, 1-1 student check-ins, and at mass. The impact of what is learned within the classroom dialogues with the world and, in return, this informs how I read articles, write papers and pray and worship. My time at CSTM has helped me learn to remain attentive and sensitive to the movements of the Spirit beyond my study sessions in the library, in the classroom or within my own head.
M.A. Theology and Ministry , 2024
It is the little moments of care where people here go out of their way to ensure others are feeling safe and comfortable that truly make the community here so vibrant.
Wantagh, New York
Undergraduate Institution and Major
Boston College, Philosophy and Psychology
My favorite course at the CSTM has been “Screening Theology,” where I was given the opportunity to see theological ideas come to life within popular films and television shows. Each student brought with them a different interpretation of the films we watched, allowing varying perspectives to raise new understandings within my own context. I thoroughly enjoyed the community created within the course as well as the newfound ways to see the content offered to us.
The CSTM offers me the chance to learn and grow within my friendships between myself and other students. I have learned so much from my classmates and the experiences they bring with them, awakening me to nuance and diversity in thinking about theological concepts. I am grateful that the CSTM offers spaces both within the classroom and outside the classroom for open dialogue and conversation to commence, leaving me with a glimpse of how others see God at work in their lives. With every new conversation I have, whether that be with someone from a different place or different time in their life than myself, I am awakened to how I can expand my vision of God, Theology, and Ministry. Each new perspective I hear enriches my own, allowing a newfound joy and holiness to emerge within my life.
Community at the CSTM is found in the genuine kindness of the students here. Everyone I have met at the CSTM has been profoundly compassionate and open, allowing friendships to flourish and create a comfortable space for so many individuals. I remember sitting outside my classrooms during the first week of school, and so many older students smiled at me and asked me how my day was going so far. Some of them even offered me their contact information in case I needed any help adjusting to graduate school. It is the little moments of care where people here go out of their way to ensure others are feeling safe and comfortable that truly make the community here so vibrant.
M.Div., 2024
The CSTM's intentional integration of the academic and the pastoral made it the ideal formational experience for me.
Houston, TX
Undergraduate Institute and Major
St. Edward's University, Social Work and Catholic Studies
Most Meaningful Experience
My most meaningful experience at the STM has been getting to know my classmates, especially those who are Jesuit Scholastics. Before coming to the STM, I was nervous about what my classes would look like working alongside men who would soon become ordained. As I have gotten to know them both inside and outside of the classroom, I have found that they add a new perspective to the way I view my faith and my understanding of the Church. On top of meeting them, I have also found that the STM is a conglomerate of people who want to make a change in the Church and world, while maintaining a sense of joy and hope. I know I can always turn to a friend when I am struggling with my faith and find comfort in their humor about God and their resilience with the faith.
My Experience
The CSTM works for me because I am able to work in ministry alongside my studies. I am a graduate assistant in Campus Ministry, where I work with undergraduate students in the 4Boston service program. I also do my supervised ministry at Boston College High School, where I help teach 8th grade religion. Both of these positions allow me to use what I learn in the classroom and apply them to the communities around me.
I experience community at the CSTM through our M.Div. cohort meetings. It is through these meetings that I find solace with being a graduate student, a woman in the Church, and how hard it can be to be a minister today. The community of fellow M. Div. students ground me in my faith and bring joy to my every day life.
M.A. Theology and Ministry, 2024
It is beautiful thing to hear and be part of many voices from all over the world creating harmonies and a unique sound praising and worshiping the Lord.
Gonzales, LA
Undergraduate Institution and Major
Spring Hill College, Theology
The most meaningful experience I have had in my first semester at the CSTM is singing in the choir with my fellow classmates and colleagues for our Thursday Liturgy. It is beautiful thing to hear and be part of many voices from all over the world creating harmonies and a unique sound praising and worshiping the Lord.
The CSTM atmosphere is open, welcoming, and there are so many opportunities for us to meet new people not only in our cohort. There are many socials throughout the semester, whether a Thanksgiving gathering or a bakeoff. Each weekend it seems like we go hiking or go to each other's apartments to watch a game, or play soccer, cricket, football, spikebill, etc. In the classroom, I am able to give my thoughts on any topic, which I really appreciate and many discussions are filled with questions, potential answers, and dialogue. I did not want to come to a school where professors talked at me and here at the CSTM professors really do walk with us with our conversations, discussions, and papers. For that I am grateful.
Since I am the Liturgy GA for the CSTM, Thursdays are quite hectic for me, with Mass at St. Ignatius and making sure we have all of the supplies and resources to celebrate together as a whole community. Thursday nights are the time for me to relax and reflect through Praise and Worship. There are spontaneous conversations and prayer, laughter, dancing, and whole lot of singing. Building a community through Praise and Worship is truly one of the most important aspects of my time here at BC.
Licentiate in Sacred Theology, 2023
I experienced CSTM as a community of friends. It is motivational, supportive, life-giving and faith-filled community.
Home Country
Undergraduate Institute and Major
Catholic Institute of West Africa, Port Harcourt, Nigeria. Bachelor's in Theology
My Experience
All classes were uniquely meaningful and enriching to me. The three key parts in Jesuits education: Being attentive, being reflective, and being loving, made a profound impact on me as a student of theology, and as a religious of the Sisters of Our Lady of Fatima whose spirituality is to seek first the kingdom of God in all things.
M.T.S., 2023
What has made CSTM work for me is the people and the sea of opportunities.
Puerto Varas, Chile
Undergraduate Institution and Major
Theology, Pontifical Catholic University of Chile
My Experience
I have only been at the CSTM for one semester and I have already been able to build deep and meaningful friendships. I found people within the CSTM community that share many of my interests and attractions. This past semester I attended a doctoral seminar in the “Theology of Edward Schillebeeckx” where I encountered, not just classmates, but friends. A relation born out of shared theological concerns and passion for research.
M.T.S., 2023
The CSTM has nurtured my calling to serve others and helped me to understand my vocation within the context of my faith beyond levels that I thought were possible.
Home City and Country
Longmeadow, Massachusetts
Undergraduate Institute and Major
Kenyon College - Philosophy and American Studies
Through its curation of a robust and engaging academic experience, the CSTM has nurtured my calling to serve others and helped me to understand my vocation within the context of my faith beyond levels that I thought were possible.
My Experience
Having student life centralized in Simboli Hall is a huge part of what makes me feel part of the larger CSTM community. Just by going to class, I end up crossing paths and getting to catch up with all of my peers and instructors on regular basis, so feeling included and at-home aren't things that I have to strive for. They're both built in to the CSTM experience.
M.T.S., 2019
After my M.T.S., CSTM continues to nourish my deepening call to theological study and ministerial presence in service of the church.
Massapequa Park, NY
Undergraduate Institute and Major
University of Notre Dame, Theology
Current Positon
Ph.D. Student in Systematic Theology, BC Theology Department
STM's Liturgy and Lunch is often the highlight of my week. I love praying together as a community of faith at St. Ignatius, witnessing the various gifts and ministries expressed in our worship together, and connecting with my classmates and professors over a shared meal afterward, celebrating who we are as the body of Christ.
STM takes seriously its mission as a school of theology *and* ministry in service of the global church. The community of scholars and ministers integrates rigorous intellectual engagement with pastoral experience, is rooted in the Catholic tradition and committed to ecumenical and interreligious dialogue, promotes intercultural learning and attention to social justice, cultivates Ignatian values and principles of discernment, and prioritizes spiritual formation, evident in the school's vibrant liturgical life. After my M.T.S., CSTM continues to nourish my deepening call to theological study and ministerial presence in service of the church. I am now pursuing the Ph.D.-S.T.L. as a joint program with the Theology Department, which will provide me with the theological background and pedagogical competence for teaching, research, and advising in various institutions of higher education and ministerial formation.
Most Meaningful Course
A highlight of my time at CSTM was a three-week summer course in the Holy Land called "In the Footsteps of Jesus" with other students from CSTM, Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology, and Boston University School of Theology. At École biblique et archéologique française de Jérusalem, we learned from renowned Scripture scholars, and we traveled across Israel and Palestine to explore the culture, history, and topography of the biblical landscapes. Now, I cannot read Psalm 121:1-2 without recalling the majestic, rolling hills of the Judean desert or John 21:15 without thinking of the rocky shore of the Sea of Tiberias in the morning light.
M.A., 2024
The community at CSTM is so kind and supportive. I love our Tasty Tuesdays and Mass/Repast Thursdays where we can just celebrate and support each other over a tasty meal and good conversation.
Solon, Iowa
Undergraduate Institution and Major
Loras College, B.S. in Biological Research
Meaningful Course
I really appreciate Sr. Barb Quinn's steady sense of hospitality and inclusivity that she extends to every student. I take Spiritual Formation with her and benefit from her wisdom inside the classroom, but I'm also struck by her example of doing ministry well as she loves the people around her so well.
The CSTM's academic environment is one where all of us are genuinely excited to be there, and the result is a vibrant classroom environment where you are learning from a diverse number of perspectives that really value the learning community they are a part of.
M.A. Theology and Ministry, 2024
I look to my future at the CSTM with excitement of joys yet to come.
Home City and Country
San Dimas, CA
Undergraduate Institute and Major
St. John’s University (MN), Theology
Most Meaningful Relationship
It has been a joy to work alongside the CSTM’s new dean, Mick McCarthy, S.J. As the CSTM Diversity / Equity / Inclusion graduate assistant and student representative to the Committee on Race and Ethnicity (CORE), I have had the opportunity to collaborate with Dean Mick as we reimagine what community can look like at the CSTM. Dean Mick exemplifies the Ignatian phrase “cura personalis” by taking proactive steps to ensure that I am first supported as a person. I can’t even begin to count the many times Dean Mick has counseled me, showed genuine concern for my health and well-being, and supported me in my journey to become my best and most authentic self. I am truly grateful for the relationship we’ve been able to cultivate in such a short time, and I look to my future at the CSTM with excitement of joys yet to come.
My Experience
The CSTM has blessed me with the opportunity to play at weekly liturgical celebrations, prayer services, open mic nights, and praise and worship. There is nothing like cultivating lasting bonds with my peers through this sacred gift. Music has the power to unite all God’s people. Musical harmony has its fair share of consonance and dissonance, and in an era characterized by discord, I believe it doesn’t hurt to lift your voice and share that song God placed on your heart. I hope you’ll join me.
M.T.S., 2022
I will be forever grateful for the many friends, especially the priests in formation, religious sisters and brothers whom I have shared a part of our journeys together.
Home City and Country
Beijing, China
Undergraduate Institute and Major
Current Position
Project Manager at the China Historical Christian Database with Boston University
My Experience
My most meaningful classes are the ones through which I saw the beauty of the Catholic Church in a deeper way both in light of its respective historical context and of our global society today. One of my most profound experiences was when I was led to see the beginning of Genesis through a class on Buddhism that added greater appreciation of the Scripture and our Tradition. And I will be forever grateful for the many friends, especially the priests in formation, religious sisters and brothers whom I have shared a part of our journeys together. It is easy to take for granted a diverse student body in the U.S., but we shouldn't, especially not at CSTM, for we have so many totally consecrated lives to God from all over the globe. I've been greatly encouraged by how they have responded the callings and blessed to share prayers, liturgies and meals with them fostering our spiritual friendships.
M.T.S., 2020
The community at CSTM is one of its finest attributes. While academically vigorous, CSTM stands out in its ability to foster a community of students, professors and faculty that genuinely want to see each other and the Church grow.
Portland, OR
Undergraduate Institution and Major
University of San Diego; Biology and Theology and Religious Studies
Current Position
Medical Student; Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine Georgia Campus
STM worked for me because it provided a space of exploration for academic and personal growth. As a medical student, so much mental energy is spent learning about anatomy, physiology, and pathology that you rarely have the space to reflect on the influence of illness on a person outside of these contexts. The classes I took on bioethics, ecology, suffering, death, sexuality, HIV/AIDS will undoubtedly make me a better and more compassionate physician. They provided me the space to reflect, debate, and learn about illness and institutions in a way that has been that I have been able to easily transfer into my medical education and practice.
My Experience
My most meaningful class at the CSTM was Death and Dying with Melissa Kelley. As a medical student, I’ve spent the better part of the past three years learning ways to prolong my patients' lives and hopefully enable a certain quality of life. In Dr. Kelley's class, I learned how to talk about death as an experience of life that people approach, find meaning in, and cope with, in countless ways. Now I have a set of tools through which I may provide my patients and their families more compassionate care. Although early in my practice of medicine, I am already incredibly grateful for having learned at the CSTM how to better serve my patients as they encounter death.
Master of Theological Studies, 2023
Learning theology is to learn how to know, love, and serve God in humanity.
Home City and Country
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Undergraduate Institute and Major
Stonehill College, Religious Studies
My Experience
Thanks to the many courses at CSTM that opened for me a new perspective of theology, I now understand that learning theology is to learn how to know, love, and serve God in humanity, especially in the vulnerable and the poor who are also the image of God and the gift of God on the earth.
MDiv, 2025
The CSTM holds a spirit of creativity and pragmatism and sets high expectations of what the Church can be in a way I haven't encountered anywhere else.
South Bend, IN
Undergraduate Institute and Major
University of Notre Dame, Program of Liberal Studies
Most Meaningful Course
Popes and the Papacy with Professor Cathy Mooney and six other students. It was a challenging and fast moving class. I'm grateful I took the class during my first semester at the CSTM because it offered invaluable context and perspective on the Church and the way it has transformed over its 2000 year history. Additionally, our small class allowed us to get to know each other and develop a great rapport. Each of us were encouraged to explore our interests and share them with each other, and we built a learning community of curiosity and healthy skepticism. I also have some great Cathy-verified dinner party anecdotes about the papacy ready to pull out whenever the need arises.
My Experience
Everyone at the CSTM comes with unique experiences and goals, but the desire to do good in the world and continue to discover our vocations is there for everyone. The students, faculty, and staff share a common goal of discovering, recovering, and reimagining what the Church can be.
Before applying to the CSTM, I had never been to Boston and had one friend in the city. I anticipated that my first semester would be lonely and that I would primarily spend time with those in my MDiv cohort and my housemates. To my surprise, I was also welcomed by professors, administrators, and students from every degree program and graduation year. This spirit of hospitality continued throughout the semester, in and out of the classroom.
M.A. Theology and Ministry (Hybrid), 2023
What I have loved about the classes at the CSTM is that the pastoral sense of ministry is balanced with a rigorous theological insight.
Fremont, CA
Undergraduate Institutuion and Major
University of San Francisco, Theology and Religious Studies
Current Position
Religious Studies Teacher, St. Francis High School (Mountain View, CA)
My Experience
Although my time as a student has mainly been online due to the pandemic, I am grateful for having had one Summer at the CSTM. Dr. Hosffman Ospino's class on Teaching Theology and Religion was a memorable experience. Having taken two of his courses throughout my time at BC, I was excited to be in-person for this class. The experience of being in Dr. Opsino's class felt warm and inviting. Amidst the rigor of the class material, I felt a sense of community, where each student saw each other as colleagues with valuable contributions to our field of study.
The ability to take classes asynchronously, while being a worker in "the vineyard of the Lord" creates new opportunities for me to make immediate connections between classroom content and my ministerial work. What I have loved about the classes at the CSTM is that the pastoral sense of ministry is balanced with a rigorous theological insight, the two things I was looking for when discerning Master programs in Theology.
MTS, 2023
The professors I've had have modeled what it means to "do" theology and encouraged me to do the same.
Philadelphia, PA
Undergraduate Institute and Major
Fairfield University, American Studies and Religious Studies
Most Meaningful Experience
I took a class on theology, ethics, and race in the BC Theology Department with a group of students from the CSTM. The ability to study with world class scholars, to learn from master teachers, and to grow in relationship with fellow students is invaluable. In that class we built a community that extended beyond the classroom; we shared our hopes and challenges. We learned concrete lessons and reworked what we thought we knew previously through the lens of authors often overlooked in the academy. Studying with peers in dual degree programs, on the ordination track, and with a variety of lived experiences has enriched my learning experience and blessed me with a diversity of relationships that I cherish far beyond the classroom.
My Experience
The CSTM has provided a fertile ground for me to ask theological questions and to hone my sense of academic inquiry. The professors I've had have modeled what it means to "do" theology and encouraged me to do the same. They have mentored me and also urged me to develop a sense of collegiality. We learn together in the classroom- asking questions about theology and practice. Answering those questions is a community effort that draws off of varied sources. The CSTM works for me because it provides a space for growth on both ends of the theological spectrum. Students are encouraged to build relationships and to discover the answers that can be found in deep conversations and thorough study.
The CSTM is a community growing and learning together. It is a community filled with support and striving to build relationships for the life of the world and for the future of the church. The community at the CSTM prays together, learns together, and ultimately grows together. It is a community with heart that enriches the mind and nurtures relationships of the soul.
M.A./M.S.W., 2024
CSTM has been the right place for me to study because of its holistic view of theology and ministry and its commitment to forming the whole person, which have left a mark on me academically, spiritually, socially, and professionally.
Manila, Philippines, and Jakarta, Indonesia
Undergraduate Institution and Major
Boston College, B.S., Double Major in Management and Theology
CSTM Community
One of the most meaningful experiences that I have had at CSTM is working as a Graduate Assistant for the Admissions Office. In applying to CSTM, I knew that I was interested in the school's many graduate assistantships because I wanted to take advantage of all the learning opportunities possible and gain as many ministerial and professional skills as I could during my time in graduate school. Receiving a graduate assistantship felt like an affirmation that the school recognized and believed in my potential as a future minister, and it has been a joy to be able to work with such a thoughtful, insightful, and caring team to practice ministry through an administrative lens and support prospective students in their discernment from the other side of the application process.
CSTM has been the right place for me to study because of its holistic view of theology and ministry and its commitment to forming the whole person, which have left a mark on me academically, spiritually, socially, and professionally. I have grown so much from the intentional application of academics to ministry, investment in cultivating the spiritual and religious life of students (like through our weekly community liturgy), kind and supportive community, and opportunities through the M.A./M.S.W. dual degree program.
MTS, 2024
Whether it is support during challenging times or a conversation about an interesting idea, the CSTM faculty wants to sit down with you about it.
Middletown, Pennsylvania (PA)
Undergraduate Institute and Major
New York University (NYU), Philosophy Major and Religious Studies Minor
Most Meaningful Experience
My most meaningful experience at the CSTM has been the openness and availability of the faculty. Whether it is support during challenging times or a conversation about an interesting idea, the CSTM faculty wants to sit down with you about it. They want to hear your voice, get to know you, help you, see where a thought leads. With that, the CSTM has created a crucial space for the Church’s next generation of scholars and ministers to develop their self-confidence, maturity, and wit.
My Experience
The CSTM works for me because I feel free to pursue my intellectual and personal projects with the resources of the CSTM at my back. I feel comfortable to grow, ask questions, and entertain topics, knowing that my peers and professors will assist me in that venture. I know that I will be a better version of myself as a scholar at the end of my time at the CSTM. And this all occurs within a top-tier institution, at that.
M.T.S., 2019; Th.M., 2021
STM offered me a variety of degree options, a wide selection of classes, meaningful opportunities for prayer, and fellowship. Going to daily mass at the CSTM Chapel or Thursday mass at St. Ignatius Church with friends and professors was often the highlight of my day.
Wallington, New Jersey
Undergraduate Institution and Major
Fordham University; Theology (major), Spanish Studies (minor)
Current Position
Teacher, Religious Studies Department at Brophy College Preparatory
Meaningful Course
Two of my favorite classes were the seminar on Teresa of Avila with Fr. Andre Brouillette, S.J., and Classic Wisdom on the Discernment of Spirits with Fr. Bart Geger, S.J.
STM was like my Hogwarts, and who doesn't like Hogwarts? It's a home for all people who, in their diverse ways, desire to serve and minister for the sake of God's greater glory. As someone who hasn't experienced meaningful community in college before attending CSTM, this common desire to grow in knowledge and love of God made me feel at home, and a part of a greater good. I met many amazing people I wouldn't ever have come across had it not been for the CSTM.
Ph.D. Theology and Education '25
The CSTM is committed to form ministers and scholars who recognize the spiritual and social needs of God's people. The formation and support we receive as students is holistic and social justice oriented.
Undergraduate Institution and Major
Fresno State University, Hispanic Literature
The accompaniment and mentorship of my academic advisor has been key for my educational success while at the CSTM. Dr. Hosffman Ospino has been a great support helping me to transition from my pastoral ministry background to academic scholarship, discerning my research project, broadening my network, and strengthening my research and writing skills.
The CSTM is intentional providing spaces for community building through the liturgy, students-led groups, and cultural celebrations. Additionally, the program cohorts are small allowing us to connect at a deeper level with our peers. My Ph.D. cohort has become my family and primary support in the academic struggle as well as in life challenges.
M.Div., 2024
The CSTM works for me because our professors not only allow, but actively encourage my classmates and me to bring our previous experiences into dialogue with our theological and ministerial studies.
Cleveland, OH
Undergraduate Institute and Major
Saint Louis University; majors in English and Spanish; minors in Urban Poverty Studies and Latin American Studies
Most Meaningful Experience
My MDiv cohort retreat this year was incredibly meaningful and formative. In graduate studies, I am so often stuck in my head, and so taking an afternoon to be with God in my heart and in community. One of the gifts of the CSTM is the opportunity to study and be in community with Jesuit, religious, and lay students. This cohort retreat, in which my Jesuit and lay classmates and I had the opportunity to pray and faith-share together, was an invaluable break from the busyness of everyday life. I'm grateful that my spirituality is constantly being enriched by the diverse members of this cohort and the life experience they bring to the table.
My Experience
The CSTM works for me because our professors not only allow, but actively encourage my classmates and me to bring our previous experiences into dialogue with our theological and ministerial studies. I have been able to try to make some sense of the experiences of suffering, poverty, community, and hospitality I experienced during my year of service in Ecuador in my studies of scripture, Christology, pastoral care, and ecclesiology, to name a few. Theological studies at the CSTM are grounded and enfleshed in lived human reality.
I have been so blessed by the community of wonderful people that beholds me here at the CSTM. Countless classmates have become close friends throughout my time here, as we've bonded over shared experiences of faith-based service, international encounters, and genuine passion for ministry in the Ignatian tradition. Students, faculty, and administrators at the CSTM really want to get to know you and hear your story, which is reflective of the caring and close-knit nature of this environment.
M.T.S. '09, Ph.D. '13
I felt a sense of community in each classroom in the spirit of cura personalis, mutual respect between faculty and students, and a shared commitment to make the most of this chance to learn from and with one another. I felt known, cared for, and empowered—and fully equipped to do the same for and with others.
Milwaukee, WI
Undergraduate Institution and Major
Marquette University — B.A. in English/B.A. in Spanish Language and Literature (minors in Theology and Political Science)
Current Position
Associate Professor of Christian Ethics, Xavier University
STM opened my eyes to a depth and breadth of theological inquiry I never knew was possible. Each person I encountered was so deeply invested in serving the church. The diversity of the CSTM community helped me appreciate what it means to be catholic and Catholic; I learned so much from every classroom discussion, the feedback I received from professors, and the opportunity to work as a GA in BC Campus Ministry. My education at CSTM opened the doors that helped me pursue my deepest desires, personally and professionally, in service to the academy, church, and society.
My Experience
Every professor invested in me; they showed me cura personalis, offered warm support, and meaningful challenges. They shared their passions with me and helped me discover new horizons in theology, moral formation, and its pastoral applications. I am still connected with many CSTM classmates, professors, and staff; one classmate is a godparent for my son. In addition to providing me an ideal preparation for my profession, my time at BC CSTM forged bonds that I will savor for the rest of my life. If pressed, I'd say my favorite class was Richard Lennan's course on The Church -- it almost made me want to be a systematician instead of an ethicist. My very first course was his Foundations of Christian Theology class and right away I knew: I am exactly where I want to be, doing exactly what I want to be doing. (It's also hard to pick against class with Dan Harrington. That was truly extraordinary.)
STL, 2023
The CSTM community is a true Christian community where I have experienced, personally, the warmth and the love of God.
Aboh Mbaise, Nigeria
The CSTM community is a true Christian community where i have experienced, personally, the warmth and the love of God.
The first is the great funding, otherwise I couldn't have been here.
Secondly, faculty-students relationship is superb.
Thirdly, the CSTM promotes diversity and encourages every voice to be heard.
Fourthly, the classes and course I learnt were profound and inspiring.
M.T.S, 2020
La Crosse, WI
Undergraduate Institution and Major
Luther College, Religion and Music
Current Position
High School Religion Teacher and Campus Minister
Meaningful Relationships and Courses
Andrew Davis (OT), Richard Lennan (Rahner, The Church), my dear friends from the Newman House
I am well-prepared to articulate Catholicism worth believing in with my students.
M.A. Theology and Ministry, 2019 – Hispanic Ministry Concentration
A vibrant and life-giving community that has changed me and changed my life for the better. I now view the CSTM as family.
Providence RI
Current Position
Resource Manager for TENx10 for Fuller Youth Institute
It allowed me to grow pastorally, spiritually, personally, and professionally in ways I had not yet. It also allowed me to see the intercultural and intersectional realities of faith, justice, and theology come together in ways that were proactive for the local and regional community.
MTS., 2024
I love how each professor has their own distinctive way of imparting knowledge in a way that is not only educational but also beneficial to my spiritual formation.
Jakarta, Indonesia
Undergraduate Institute and Major
Southeast Asia Bible Seminary, Bachelor in Theology
Most Meaningful Experience
CSTM has a very dynamic and diverse learning environment. I love how each professor has their own distinctive way of imparting knowledge in a way that is not only educational but also beneficial to my spiritual formation. The assignments give me the flexibility to make the connection with my own research interests. Also, as an international student in the class who speaks English as a second language, I value the professors' consideration for me and how they give me an opportunity to voice my opinions.
My Experience
As a foreigner who just came to the US, I found CSTM to be a warm and welcoming community. My most memorable experience was the GA orientation, where it was the first time I met some good friends of mine. Also, I particularly enjoy the weekly mass and community lunch because it allows me to meet different kinds of people, including the faculty members, who turn out to be really approachable.
M.Div., 2025
The CSTM works for me because Christian love is intentionally incorporated into the classroom experience. I couldn't be more grateful for my wonderful professors.
Rice Lake, Wisconsin
Undergraduate Institute and Major
Gonzaga University, English and Secondary Education
Most Meaningful Experience
As a lay woman in the MDiv program, half my cohort is made up of Jesuits. It can often be difficult navigating authority as a young Catholic woman, but the friendships I've built with the Jesuits in my cohort have been very healing and life-giving. It's like I've adopted ten new brothers! The pickup soccer, meals shared, cups of tea poured...I love them, and I know they love me. It's incredible sustenance for the journey.
My Experience
In my first semester at the CSTM, I was blown away by the support I received from my professors. Every class, I would think to myself: "Wow, these folks are at the top of their field(s), and they really care about who I am and what I have to say." The CSTM works for me because Christian love is intentionally incorporated into the classroom experience. I couldn't be more grateful for my wonderful professors.
Our MDiv cohort is very close. We have a group chat that is used regularly to connect, plan get-togethers, and encourage each other throughout midterms and finals. It's so special to have a little family within the greater CSTM family!
M.T.S., 2021
My time at the CSTM was marked by a personal growth in my own vocation as a Latina Catholic minister and theologian.
El Paso, TX
Undergraduate Institute and Major
Boston College, Philosophy and Political Science
Current Positon
Ph.D. Student in Systematic Theology, University of Notre Dame
I experienced community at the CSTM in the classroom and in the chapel. I was always most struck and astonished by the way the community at the CSTM both studied and prayed together. Pope Francis says that the best theology is done on our knees and I think that the CSTM really embodies that on a communal level.
I knew I was considering a Ph.D. from before my time at the CSTM, but I was not sure how or what. The M.T.S. program at BC is flexible and allowed me to engage deeply with multiple different topics and subjects. I was able to build my own project that I was then able to use to get into Ph.D. programs, including Notre Dame. Professor Hosffman Ospino's mentorship on my Master's thesis is, to this day, one of the most important building blocks for me in my professional and personal vocation.
Most Meaningful Experience
My time at the CSTM was marked by a personal growth in my own vocation as a Latina Catholic minister and theologian. It was at the CSTM, through my relationships with peers and professors, both from Latin America and Latine from the US, where I came to understand the broader implications of my being bilingual and how that intersected with my interests in Theology and my own baptismal vocation. I worked at Formación Continua, the Spanish-speaking Continuing Education, and also got to engage in events such as masses for Our Lady of Guadalupe, altar building for Día de muertos, and bilingual preaching and liturgies.
M.Div., 2024
I've really appreciated the space that CSTM allows for students to grow into an identity as a minister and person of faith. I have been challenged to more deeply understand how my vocation can serve the church and world, and to better discern I will live out of that identity.
Rifle, CO
Undergraduate Institution and Major
Regis University; English, Religious Studies
My Experience
I have made wonderful friends through graduate assistant positions, as well as in the hallway in between class periods, in the library during finals week, and in the happenstance of sharing the same path as others when walking home from school. Although I can't fully name how this process works, it points to a desire among CSTM students to live a shared life of community and service to and with one another that is intangible, yet obvious and powerful once you experience it.
STM is grounded in the realness of the church and world: the intersecting contexts of the Catholic church, Boston, academia, diverse neighborhoods, and more, create an atmosphere where students are invited to comprehend theology and ministry as necessarily connected to the realities in which we hope to minister in the future. While this can present unique challenges, students experience the realness of joy and conflict in ministry, which are essential in our formation as ministers who can serve a church grounded in the real.
Ph.D., Theology and Education
In the past year, I have really appreciated my advisor.... her wisdom and guidance, paired with genuine care, have gotten me through the strenuous moments. Her care helps me know that it is not what I produce but rather my personhood that matters most.
New Orleans, Louisiana
Previous Institutions
Undergraduate: Communication (Advertising), Masters: Pastoral Studies
CSTM Community
I really appreciate how the community (both staff and students) supports each other. I have found the CSTM to be a space filled with smiling faces, encouraging words, and thoughtful prayer and reflection. It is a space that does not simply focus on grueling academics, but it also knows the importance of joy and laughter.
The CSTM offers a unique opportunity to study the past, present, and future of the Catholic church with exceptional theologians.
In addition, as a woman with a focus on preaching, I was drawn to the CSTM’s wider Catholic imagination. This goes beyond scholars with deep knowledge and appreciation for the Church's history to those with a practical and intentional awareness of the Church's present needs.
The CSTM reminds me daily that God's revelation is upon us, not behind us.
M.Div., 2019
I was immensely grateful for the chance to study and learn alongside Jesuit students in formation, which was instrumental in preparing me to work in collaborative environments with ordained and lay people. I would not be where I am today without the opportunity to attend CSTM.
Gaithersburg, MD
Undergraduate Institution and Major
Loyola University Maryland, English
Current Position
Associate Director of Campus Ministry for Liturgy and Music at Loyola University Maryland
Attending CSTM was a transformative experience for me; I now recommend it enthusiastically to any of my students who are considering pursuing a life of ministry. At CSTM, I benefitted from robust academic preparation, deep spiritual formation, compassionate professors and staff, and a vibrant community of students from around the world.
My Experience
When I first came Accepted Students' Day at the CSTM, I knew within a few hours that I was going to attend this school. Why? The word that I kept hearing over and over again in my info sessions was: community. And my experience lived up to this promise: the community of students, staff, and faculty at the CSTM are unmatched. From lively discussions in the classroom, to making friends with students from all around the world, to vibrant formation and recreational activities, the community at the CSTM made me feel at home right away. I graduated from the CSTM with lifelong friendships and colleagues in ministry, connections that will benefit me personally and professionally for many years to come.
Master of Divinity, 2019
The CSTM's intentional integration of the academic and the pastoral made it the ideal formational experience for me.
Home City and Country
St. Charles, MO
Undergraduate Institute and Major
Saint Louis University, Theological Studies & Philosophy
Current Position
Theology Teacher, Loyola Academy & Instructor, Loyola University Chicago
My Experience
As someone moving across the country to attend the CSTM, the Community was absolutely central to my experience. I made lifelong friends and connections that continue to support me in both personally and professionally.
M.A. Theology and Ministry (Hybrid), 2021
A vibrant and life-giving community that has changed me and changed my life for the better. I now view the CSTM as family.
Co. Tyrone, Ireland
Undergraduate Institution and Major
University of Ulster, Northern Ireland, Hospitality Management
Current Position
Task Group, Irish Synodal Pathway, Youth Coordinator for the Archdiocese of Armagh
Assistant for Formación Continúa Courses
My Experience
The CSTM and the community there has opened doors, created a global network and community that has helped me carve out a pathway that I could never have imagined. Synodality and formation in practice of Synodality is central to my vocation and Ministry.
The CSTM has given a world class education and widened my horizons. The community at the CSTM and it’s multicultural community has challenged me to look at who I am and discern how I can serve the Church.
M.Div., 2025
I experience community through my cohort, my living situation, and the CSTM's faith spaces.
Cleveland, OH
Undergraduate Institution and Major
Xavier University, Theology and English
My Experience
The opportunity to bond with my M.Div. 1 cohort has been very meaningful to me as we explore our vocations together and challenge each other spiritually and intellectually. Members of my cohort created a day-long retreat for us during which we spent time in reflection and shared intimate details of our lives for the sake of growing together in faith and resilience. I treasured that opportunity.
STM works for me because I get to study what I love while building intentional community and also being critically formed as a minister, a friend, and a person of faith.
M.T.S. '18
The friendships I made at the CSTM not only gave me the support I needed during my studies, but they also gave the confidence to persevere when times proved difficult.
Los Angeles, CA
Undergraduate Institution and Major
Loyola Marymount University, Psychology & Theological Studies
Current Position
Religious Studies Department Chair at Marymount High School, Los Angeles
There are countless reasons as to why the CSTM worked for me however what stands out is their practical approach to graduate studies in Theology. Especially with the M.T.S. degree, studying theology often times stays in the theoretical. Now as a high school teacher, I frequently hear my students comment on how Scripture and/or Tradition can at times seem obsolete. Therefore it is my job to challenge my students in seeing how compatible our Catholic faith is with what is transpiring in our world today. I owe this skill to what I learned back at the CSTM.
Thursday liturgy and lunch! This would often times be the highlight of my week. It was both a formative and restorative time set aside as an opportunity for worship and connecting with my peers and of course, free lunch! Who doesn't love a free lunch?
M.A. in Theology and Ministry/M.S.W, 2025
My most meaningful experiences at the CSTM has been learning alongside students with a diversity of backgrounds.
Fairhaven, MA
Undergraduate Institution and Major
Providence College, Sociology & Theology
My Experience
My most meaningful experiences at the CSTM has been learning alongside students with a diversity of backgrounds. Most of my classes consist of students from various cultures, occupations, and stages of life, which is incredibly enriching when it comes to conversations regarding how our theology is perceived and lived in different contexts.
Not only does the CSTM offer phenomenal classes and a close-knit community, it also offers generous scholarships and work opportunities, which made it possible for me to afford to pursue a degree in theology.
M.T.S. '24
The CSTM works for me because it is both fully rooted in Catholic tradition and teaching, and guides its students to be well-trained leaders in the Church, but it also encourages it's students to ask big questions and challenge the status quo.
Atlanta Georgia
Undergraduate Institution and Major
Saint Mary's College, Philosophy and Political Science
My Experience
So far, my most meaningful class has been Politics and Spirituality in the United States with Callid Keefe-Perry, where we studied public theology. We had conversations in that class that I am still sitting with and I am confident will influence me for the rest of my life. We were able to explore ideas and events, and ask questions, that were challenging and immensely important to figuring out how one can fully and authentically live out their faith today. The class dealt with the very questions that brought me to the CSTM in the first place, and I'm grateful for the safe space to fail out loud and wonder together with other people who are passionate about the intersection of faith and public life.
I quickly got the sense that the CSTM is full of individuals, both professor and student, lay and clergy, Catholic and Protestant, who have a deep love for the Church and are therefore willing to dive into difficult issues and histories in order to help the Church and its people better embody Christ's love. It's really inspiring to be surrounded by people who are so committed to their faith and serving others.
M.A. Theology and Ministry, 2019
The CSTM community gave witness to our greater faith community and how we can live alongside one another!
Maynard, MA
Undergraduate Institution and Major
Boston College, English and Secondary Education
Current Position
Assistant Director of Boston College's Church in the 21st Century
CSTM Community
I experienced community with my classmates through the CSTM retreats, study sessions, group projects, ice cream outings, and most especially the El Salvador Immersion program. We were able to not only learn alongside one another, but also celebrate our successes and walk together through our struggles. The CSTM community gave witness to our greater faith community and how we can live alongside one another!
My Experience
Working on my creative thesis on The Spirituality of Children's Literature became an extremely communal experience. My advisors, Colleen Griffith and Tom Groome guided and encouraged my vision, my friends at the CSTM read my work and inspired me to keep going, and my family and now wife were supportive as well. What started as a personal idea became a mission in light of a greater need and showed me how connected we all are with one another.
CSTM affirmed my desire to work with students and others, and I was fortunate enough to do the program as a full-time student while having a graduate assistantship. The placement program had me serve with Emmanuel College, which expanded my work with students from a ministry lens. Overall, the program taught me more about my faith, how to walk with others experiencing their faith, and the many ways in which we can serve one another.
M.Div., 2022
I was never alone at the CSTM, or out on too far of a limb with a paper or discussion topic. While all of us bring a unique perspective and experience to our studies, I was never on my own in my theological opinions, with a ministerial conundrum, or with thorny spiritual questions.
Home City and Country
Newtown Square, PA
Undergraduate Institute and Major
University of Notre Dame, English
Current Position
Campus Minister for Liturgy, St. Louis University
My Experience
I had the company of wonderful peers, lay and Jesuit, in the classroom, in special projects like clericalism discussion groups and planning creative liturgical experiences, and in Gaudete, our LGBTQ+ student group. I also made dear friends, who picked me up from the airport after job interviews, prayed for me on retreats and pilgrimages, and goofed off with me for non-theological movie nights. These moments of joy sustained me through the piles of books and papers to write. To this day, my former classmates will pick up the phone to talk through a tough pastoral conversation, fact check an obscure liturgical question, or just catch up and laugh with each other.
Most Meaningful Course
Sr. Meg’s Ecclesial Ministry course served as a wonderful capstone for my MDiv. With a class of almost entirely lay students, we grappled with what it means to be lay people going forth to work in the church plagued by clericalism. I was asked to write an integrative theology of ministry paper, and found that when asked to write it down, my theology of ministry was really about how I spend my days, and with whom I spend them, about being proximate to those on the margins.
MDiv/STL 2024
I experience community at CSTM primarily through my MDiv cohort. We are a fairly close-knit bunch who enjoy having fun together as well as supporting each other in formation and ministry.
Atlantic City, NJ
Undergraduate Institute and Major
Georgetown University, Economics
Most Meaningful Experience
One of my most meaningful experiences was taking a preaching class with fellow Jesuits and lay classmates. Focusing so immediately on preaching the Gospel and having the opportunity to pray together through the readings made that class such a powerful experience. It provided the space for glimpsing what the Church can be like when we work together as the People of God.
PhD in Theology and Education '26; MATM '22
CSTM empowered me to examine my own spiritual life and my future ministerial and doctoral work.
Denver, CO
Previous Institutions
Creighton University - B.A. in Theology, with Co-Majors in History, and Justice & Peace Studies / University of Notre Dame - M.Ed. / CSTM - M.A.T.M.
Most Meaningful Experience
My personal spirituality and professional teaching style have always been incarnational and Ignatian, so Dr. Griffith's "Theological Anthropology and the Body" and Dr. Ryliskyte's "Pastoral Care as Theological and Transformative Practice" helped me explore both more intentionally. They helped me recover sacred parts of Scripture and Tradition while applying them to my current ministry and academics. I also developed a directed readings course, "Queering the New Testament," with Dr. McDargh from the BC Theology Department. Through this experience, he and the CSTM empowered me to examine my own spiritual life and my future ministerial and doctoral work.
My Experience
My academics, ministerial work, and relationships all inform, support, and strengthen each other. I learn a concept in class, apply it in my work with BC undergrads, and then get to explore where that integrated theology takes me next. Sometimes, that meant developing unique directed reading courses with generous CSTM professors, while at other times it meant exploring courses and building new relationships throughout the BTI.
My experience of community at CSTM was continually expansive. My friendships with my classmates, colleagues, CSTM faculty and staff launched me into meaningful work in and with the BC undergrad community. These, in turn, helped expand my horizons across the community offered in and through the BTI. I now have friends at Boston University and Harvard Divinity School, and beyond. (Also, my mom loves showing off her new stickers and sweatshirts from each school - makes birthdays and Christmas a cinch!)
M.T.S., 2013
CSTM faculty are leaders in the study of Catholic theological ethics. Working with them gave me the opportunity to become an expert in this field.
Dayton, Ohio
Undergraduate Institution
Boston College
Current Position
Senior Director Ethics, The Catholic Health Association of the United States
Most Meaningful
The most meaningful event was meeting my wife. The experience that helped me the most professionally was the willingness of professors to open my eyes to the wonderful ministry of Catholic health care.
CSTM does an outstanding job of building community for the students, faculty, and staff. The weekly Mass with lunch was an opportunity to break bread with one another and to have discussions that went beyond the syllabus of the classroom.