McGuinn Hall 302
Telephone: 617-552-4043
Email: maria.pinerosleano@bc.edu
Maternal and child mental health and physical health; risk factors of maternal depression and mood disorders; culturally-adapted interventions with Latinx immigrant families and youth; and global intervention and implementation research.
María Fernanda Piñeros-Leaño, PhD, MSW, MPH, is an Associate Professor at Boston College School of Social Work (BCSSW). She is originally from Bogotá, Colombia. Dr. Piñeros-Leañojoined BCSSW in 2018 after obtaining a PhD from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Her research focuses on addressing health and mental health inequities among Latin American migrant and immigrant families to ensure that everyone, regardless of where they are from, can have a healthy development.
Dr. Piñeros-Leaño’s work is currently funded through the National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities (NIMHD), where she is exploring the mental health care needs of Puerto Rican families that were displaced by Hurricane María. Her work is also funded through the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation where she is working in Colombia to culturally adapt evidence-based interventions to address the needs of internally displaced Colombian and Venezuelan migrant youth and families with young children. Dr. Piñeros’ long-term goal is to improve the mental health and well-being of Latin American im/migrant children, youth, and families through the use of evidence-based interventions that improve family communication and decrease family conflict.
Pineros-Leano, M., Salas-Wright, C.P., Maldonado-Molina, M.M., Hodges, J.C., Brown, E.C., Bates, M.M., Mendez-Campos, B., Rodríguez, J., & Schwartz, S.J. (2022). Technology-based Communication among Hurricane Maria Survivors in the United States: A Trans-Territorial Lens. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology.
Pineros-Leano, M., Parchment, T. M., Calvo., R. (2022). Family Interventions to improve mental and behavioral health outcomes among Latine children: A systematic review. Children and Youth Services Review.
Pineros-Leano, M., Pérez-Flores, N. J., Damian, K., Rodrigues, K., Ortiz, G, Simonovich, S. D. (2022). Mental health disparities in Latinx immigrant communities during COVID-19: Implications for Policy and Practice. Frontiers in Public Health
Pineros-Leano, M., Pérez-Flores, N. J., Damian, K., Piñeros-Leaño, N., Yao, L., Rodrigues, K. (2022). Context matters: A qualitative study about the perinatal experiences of Latina immigrant women. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health
Grafft, N.*, Rodrigues, K., Costas-Rodriguez, B., Pineros-Leano, M. (2022). Latinx immigrants and complex layers of trauma: Providers’ perspectives. Journal of Latinx Psychology
Pineros-Leano, M., Grafft, N., Aguayo, L. (2022). Childhood obesity risk factors by race and ethnicity. Obesity
Grafft, N.*, Dwyer, A. A., Pineros-Leano, M. (2022). Latinx individuals’ knowledge of, preferences for, and experiences with prenatal genetic testing: A scoping review. BMC Reproductive Health
Tabb, K. M., Bentley, B., Pineros-Leano, M., Simonnovich, S. D., Nidey, N., Ross, K., Huang, W. D., Huang, H. (2022). Home Visiting as an equitable intervention for perinatal depression: A scoping Review. Frontiers in Psychiatry
Mehmet, B., McDonald, I. R., Saldarriaga, S., Pineros-Leano, M., Dwyer, A. A. (2022). What’s missing in sex chromosome aneuploidies? Representation and inclusion. Journal of Pediatric Nursing
Pineros-Leano, M., Saran, I., Parchment, T., Grafft, N. (2021). Prevalence and predictors of parental depression: Results from a 15-year longitudinal study. Journal of Affective Disorders. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jad.2021.08.030
Simonnovich, S.D., Nidey., N. L., Gaving, A. R., Pineros-Leano, M., Hsieh, W., Sbrilli, M., Ables-Torres, L.A., Huang, H., Ryckman, K., Tabb, K. M. (2021). Meta- analysis of antenatal depression and adverse birth outcomes in US populations 2010-20. Health Affairs.
Salas-Wright, C.P., Cano, M., Hang, A.H., Cano, M.A., Oh, S., Pineros-Leano, M., & Vaughn, M.G. (2021). Alcohol abstinence and binge drinking: The intersections of language and gender among Hispanic adults in a national sample, 2002-2018. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Endocrinology.
Aguayo, L., Pineros-Leano, M., Alam, R., Aguirre-Pereyra, R., Schwingel, A., Cunningham, S. A. (2021). The association of family nutrition and physical activity (FNPA) screening tool with children’s working memory: A cross-sectional study among Mexican young children. Children.
Pineros-Leano, M., Grafft, N. (2021). Racial and ethnic disparities in childhood growth trajectories. Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities.
Pineros-Leano, M., Yao, L., Simonovich, S. D., Piñeros-Leaño, N., Huang, H. (2021). “I don't have time to be sad": Experiences and perceptions of sadness among Latina mothers. Social Work.
Simonovich, S. D., Pineros-Leano, M., Hench, K., Meline, B., Tabb, K. M. (2021). Formula and Milk Food Insecurity amongst infants and children in WIC families. Journal of Nursing Practice Applications & Reviews of Research.
Pineros-Leano, M., Saltzman, J. A., Aguayo, L., Liechty, J. M., Musaad, S. (2021). Maternal depressive symptoms and their association with breastfeeding and child weight outcomes. Children. https://doi.org/10.3390/children8030233
Pineros-Leano M., Yao, L., Yousuf, A., Oliveira, G. (2021). Depressive Symptoms and Emotional Distress of Transnational Mothers: A Scoping Review. Frontiers in Psychiatry. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyt.2021.574100
Aguayo, L., Ogolsky, B., Teran-Garcia, M., Pineros-Leano, M., Wiley, A., Lin, J., Aguirre, Pereyra, R., Schwingel, A. (2021). From culture to chromosomes: A mother-child dyadic study of acculturation, telomere lengths, and body fat. Comprehensive Psychoneuroendocrinology. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cpnec.2021.100029
Hong, J. S., Hsieh, Y.P., Burlaka, V., Ortega, R. M., Espelage, D. L., Pineros-Leano, M. (2021). Do Caregivers’ Health Conditions Impact Children’s Externalizing Behavior? The Roles of Caregivers’ Parenting Frustration and Family Cohesion. Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal, 1-10. doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10560-020-00736-7
Hai, A. H., Lee, C., Oh, S., Vaughn, M.G., Pineros-Leano, M., Delva, J., & Salas- Wright, C. (2020). Trends and correlates of Internet support group participation for mental health problems in the United States, 2004-2018. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 132, 136-143. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jpsychires.2020.10.012
Simonovich, S.D., Pineros-Leano, M., Bass, M.E., Stromer, S.M., Kim, K.C., Meline, B., Tabb, K.M. (2020). WIC professionals’ adaptations in clinical practice to better assess and address household food insecurity in diverse nonmetropolitan families. Beyond Borders: Advances in Global Welfare, 1(1). doi: https://doi.org/10.6017/bbagw.v1i1.11839
Simonovich, S.D., Pineros-Leano, M., Herman, A., Clark, M.H., Loiacono, B., Cory, M., Estrada, M., Soto, D., Ali, A., Awosika, O., Buscemi, J. (2020). A systematic review examining the relationship between food insecurity and early childhood health outcomes. Translational Behavioral Medicine, 10(5), 1086-109. doi: https://doi.org/10.1093/tbm/ibaa021
Lee, J., Hong, J. S., Tan, K., Pineros-Leano, M., Baek, S. A. (2020). Bullying Victimization Profiles of School-Aged Adolescents and Associations with Weight Statuses: A Latent Class Analysis. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. doi: https://doi.org/10.1177%2F0886260520905087
Pineros-Leano, M. (2020). Association Between Early Maternal Depression and Child Growth: A Group-Based Trajectory Modeling Analysis. Childhood Obesity, 16(1), 26-33. doi: https://doi.org/10.1089/chi.2019.0121
Tabb, K. M., Pérez-Flores, N. J., Pineros-Leano, M., Piedra, L. M., Meline, B., & Huang, H. (2019). Depressive Symptoms among Pregnant Low-Income Adolescents and Implications for Social Workers. Journal of Sociology, 7(2), 1-7.
Pineros-Leano, M., Tabb, K., Liechty, J., Castañeda, Y., & Williams, M. (2019). Feeding decision-making among first generation Latinas living in non-metropolitan and small metro areas. PloS One, 14(3), e0213442, https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0213442
Pineros-Leano, M., Tabb, K., Simonovich, S. D., Wang, Y., Meline, B., Huang, H. (2018). Racial differences in breastfeeding initiation among WIC participants in a Midwestern public health district. Health Equity, 2:1, 296-303. doi: https://doi.org/10.1089/heq.2018.0016
Cintron, V., Piedra, L. M., Pineros-Leano, M. (2018). Vida Alegre: Teaching Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in Spanish. Journal of Teaching in Social Work, 38(3), 292-310. doi: 10.1080/08841233.2018.146287
Tabb, K., Malinga, T., Pineros-Leano, M., Andrade, F. (2017). Impact of pre-pregnancy weight and gestational weight gain on birth outcomes by nativity: A systematic review. Healthcare, 5, 67. doi: 10.3390/healthcare5040067
Pineros-Leano, M., Liechty, J. M., & Piedra, L. (2017). Latino immigrants, depressive symptoms, and cognitive behavioral therapy: A systematic review. Journal of Affective Disorders, 208, 567–576. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jad.2016.10.025
Saltzman, J. A., Pineros-Leano, M., Liechty, J. M., Bost, K. K., & Fiese, B. H. (2016) Eating, feeding, and feeling: emotional responsiveness mediates longitudinal associations between maternal binge eating, feeding practices, and child weight. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 13(1), 1. doi: 10.1186/s12966-016-0415-5 http://ijbnpa.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12966-016-0415-5
Tabb, K. M., Choi, S., Pineros-Leano, M., Meline, B., McDonald, H. G., Kester, R., & Huang, H. (2015). Perinatal depression screening in a Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) program: Perception of feasibility and acceptability among a multidisciplinary staff. General Hospital Psychiatry, 37(4), 305-309. doi:10.1016/j.genhosppsych.2015.03.008
Pineros-Leano, M., Tabb, K. M., Sears, H., Meline, B., & Huang, H. (2015). Clinic staff attitudes towards the use of mHealth technology to conduct perinatal depression screenings: A qualitative study. Family Practice, 32(2), 211-215. doi: https://doi.org/10.1093/fampra/cmu083
Albino, S., Tabb, K. M., Requena, D., Egoavil, M., Pineros-Leano, M., Zunt, J. R., & García, P. J. (2014). Perceptions and acceptability of short message services technology to improve treatment adherence amongst tuberculosis patients in Peru: a Focus Group Study. PloS One, 9(5), e95770. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0095770
Conrad N. Hilton Foundation. Improving Mental Health Among Colombian and Venezuelan Children and Youth Affected by Armed Conflict: Adaptation and Implementation of Two Trauma-informed, Evidence-based Interventions.
National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities (NIMHD). Understanding the needs of Post Maria Puerto Rican Migrants in New Growth Communities.
Training Grant Recipient. William T. Grant Advanced Quantitative and Computational (AQC) Scholars Program. Institute in Critical Quantitative, Computational, and Mixed-Methodologies (ICQCM). Competitive 2-year expenses-paid training grant.
Latino 30 Under 30. El Mundo, Boston, MA.
Outstanding Social Work Doctoral Dissertation Award Honorable Mention. 2019 Society for Social Work and Research, San Francisco, California