School Notes
Date posted: Oct 26, 2017
C&E News recognizes twelve early career principal investigators under the age of 42 in the chemical, biochemical, and chemical engineering fields each year in their Talented 12 issue. This year, Staff Sheehan (2011 BC Chemistry graduate and alumnus of Prof Dunwei Wang's research lab) was chosen as one of them because of the work that his start-up company is doing toward making commercial products using carbon dioxide from air. His goal is to make it simple for consumers everywhere to help fight climate change, by making products available that help to decrease the concentration of greenhouse gases in our atmosphere. C&EN gives this award to research scientists who are junior faculty at universities, group leaders in industry and start-ups like Staff, and scientists in government for their impactful research and promise for the future. The story can be read here: http://talented12.cenmag.org/staff-sheehan/