Doctoral Student
Theological Ethics
Minor: Systematic Theology
Stokes Hall N 420E
Email: peteaan@bc.edu
Patric is a doctoral student in theological ethics with a minor in systematic theology.
Originally from Bowling Green, Kentucky, Patric attended undergrad at Western Kentucky University, where his long-time interests in theology and art led to degrees in Religious Studies and Graphic Design. Patric has since earned a M.A. in Theology and, more recently, a Th.M. in Systematic Theology from Boston College’s own Clough School of Theology and Ministry. He is excited to begin the journey towards a Ph.D. in Theological Ethics!
Motivating his theological study is that horizon of the Kingdom proclaimed by Christ—namely, the task of gathering all peoples into the family of God. As a theologian, Patric hopes to contribute to the church’s ever-widening understanding of humanity so that all persons may truly experience the catholicity of the church.
In this pursuit, Patric is particularly interested in questions of theological anthropology, fundamental morality, and social and sexual ethics. Patric also hopes to further explore the relationship between Christian ethics and eschatology: How does Chrsitian faith shape human action in and for this world? In this regard, he is especially interested in the relationship of Christian ethics to science, metaphysics, and ecclesiology.
When he is not reading up on natural theology and patristics (justified hobbies, as they are further afield from my more ethics-oriented interests!), Patric enjoys working out, doing graphic design projects, FaceTiming his cats (Petra and Ollie) back home, and hanging with friends. Oh, and he is probably jamming to Lady Gaga!