Assistant Professor of the Practice of Hispanic Studies
Coordinator, Upper-level Spanish Language Program
Lyons Hall 304E
Telephone: 617-552-0540
Email: yohana.gilberrio@bc.edu
Spanish in the U.S., Second Language Acquisition, Heritage Language Learning and Pedagogy, Second Language Pedagogy, Task-Based Language Teaching, The Impact of Formal Instruction on Language Acquisition, Applied Linguistics, Bilingualism, Spanish for the Professions
Yohana Gil Berrio received her Ph.D. in Spanish Applied Linguistics from Temple University. Her research addresses heritage and second language acquisition and education with a focus on analyzing learners’ individual differences, socio-cultural factors affecting the maintenance or shift of Spanish in the U. S., and community-based language education. Her current projects investigate the ways in which diverse tools, communicative and task-based instructional approaches, and peer contributions influence students’ learning processes.
Gil Berrio, Y. & Mattson-Prieto, R. ““I make too many grammar mistakes”: Hablantes de herencia y el impacto de la enseñanza homogénea.” 8th National Symposium on Spanish as a Heritage Language (NSSHL8). The Institute for Language Education in Transcultural Context (ILETC). Virtual Convention, May 13-15, 2021.
Mattson-Prieto, R. & Gil Berrio, Y. ““That didn’t make sense to me”: HL-L2 interaction in mixed Spanish classes.” American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL). Virtual Convention, March 20-23, 2021.
Gil Berrio, Y. & Mattson-Prieto, R. “Closing the instructional gap in Spanish classes that enroll heritage and L2 learners.” 52nd Northeast Modern Language Association (NeMLA). Virtual Convention, March 11-14, 2021.
Gil Berrio, Y. “Promoting vocabulary learning in classrooms enrolling L2 and heritage language learners.” 51st Northeast Modern Language Association (NeMLA). Boston, Massachusetts, March 5-8, 2020.
Gil Berrio, Y. “Patrones de interacción en clases mixtas.” 51st Northeast Modern Language Association (NeMLA). Boston, Massachusetts, March 5-8, 2020.
Gil Berrio, Y. “El desarrollo de tareas escritas en clases mixtas.” 7th National Symposium on Spanish as a Heritage Language (NSSHL7). The University of New Mexico, February 27-29, 2020.
Gil Berrio, Y. “Hablantes de herencia en cursos de español como L2: Consideraciones para el entrenamiento de instructores.” 101st The American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese (AATSP). San Diego, California, July 8-11, 2019.
Gil Berrio, Y. “La construcción de identidades en la prensa estadounidense digital.” Innovations and Epistemological Challenges in Applied Linguistics: 18th Triennial AILA World Congress. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, July 23-28, 2017.
Toth, P., & Gil Berrio, Y. “Social and instructional determinants of language-related episodes in a Spanish L2 classroom.” Innovations and Epistemological Challenges in Applied Linguistics: 18th Triennial AILA World Congress. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, July 23-28, 2017.
Gil Berrio, Y. “Learning outcomes of L2-heritage Spanish learner interaction.” 4th Annual Language, Linguistics and Life Conference, Temple University, April 14, 2017.
Toth, P., Moranski, K., & Gil Berrio, Y. “The impact of pragmatics-related episodes on language-related episodes in L2 Spanish peer interaction.” American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL). Portland, Oregon, March 18-21, 2017.
Gil Berrio, Y. “El impacto del contexto social e instruccional durante la interacción.” Congreso de Español como Segunda Lengua. Universidad de Costa Rica & El Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica; Cartago, Costa Rica, March 8-10, 2017.
Toth, P., Moranski, K., & Gil Berrio. “The social and instructional context of language-related episodes in a high school L2 Spanish classroom.” Hispanic Linguistics Symposium (HLS). Georgetown University, October 7-9, 2016.
Toth, P., Moranski, K., & Gil Berrio, Y. “Social and instructional determinants of peer interaction among adolescent L2 Spanish learners. The 35th Second Language Research Forum (SLRF). Teachers College, Columbia University, September 22-25, 2016.
Gil Berrio, Y. “Examining U.S. news media discourses on the Michael Brown case: The Representation of social actors in bilingual online newspapers.” The American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL). Orlando, Florida, April 9-12, 2016.
Toth, P., Moranski, K. & Gil Berrio, Y. “The individual and social impact of meta-analytic talk on L2 Spanish accuracy and use.” The American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL). Toronto, Canada, March 21-24, 2015.
Gil Berrio, Y. “Personal pronoun and gender in three Colombian cities.” The Ninth Annual Global Temple Conference. Temple University, November 12, 2014.
Loyola University Maryland, Center for the Humanities, Enriching Classroom Teaching Grant, Spring 2020.
Temple University, Center for the Humanities at Temple, Advanced Graduate Scholar Award, Spring 2019.
Temple University, Graduate School, Doctoral Dissertation Completion Grant, Spring 2019.
Temple University, Department of Spanish and Portuguese, Service Award, 2016-2017.
Temple University, College of Education, Margaret Wang Scholarship, 2010-2012.