Email: hiram.brownell@bc.edu
PSYC2272 Cognitive Psychology: Mental Processes and their Neural Substrates
PSYC3379 Disorders of Language and Communication
PSYC4470 Research Practicum in Cognitive Psychology
Cognitive neuropsychology: how injury to various parts of the brain can selectively impair linguistic and cognitive ability; language: theory of mind, discourse, narrative, and lexical semantics; methodology.
Professor Brownell was a member of the Department of Psychology and Neuroscience faculty from 1987 to 2024. Prior to coming to Boston College, Professor Brownell was a research psychologist at the Boston Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center and an Assistant Research Professor of Neurology (Neuropsychology) at Boston University Medical School. He currently holds an adjunct appointment at the Boston University School of Medicine. Professor Brownell specializes in neuropsychology (cognitive neuroscience) with special interests in language and communication. He is also interested in Theory of Mind. Professor Brownell teaches introductory courses in statistics and research methods.