Visiting Assistant Professor
Stokes Hall S352
Email: baileymp@bc.edu
HIST1094 Modern History II, ADHS 1011 Atlantic Worlds
The Atlantic World; Colonial North America; the Irish Diaspora; Colonial Latin America; Empire, Slavery, and Political Economy
Professor Bailey is a historian of colonial North America and the Atlantic world with a particular focus on the Irish diaspora. He completed his dissertation, "“The First Irish Diaspora in the Age of the Bourbon Reforms: Imperial Translation, Political Economy, and Slavery," and received his PhD from Boston College in 2022. This study of Irish exiles in the Spanish Empire argues that Hiberno-Spanish familiarity with British imperialism made Irish exiles useful "imperial translators" to a reforming Spanish Empire, in both Madrid and the colonial borderlands of Cuba and the greater Gulf Coast -- particularly in relation to political economy and plantation slavery. Professor Bailey received his B.A. in History at the University of Maine (2016), has published previously in Maine History and reviewed monographs in Irish Historical Studies and Eighteenth-Century Ireland, has previously taught Atlantic history and now teaches Modern History I and Modern History II.
“Imperial Translators: Hiberno-Spaniards, the Bourbon Reforms, and Political Economy,” Irish Studies Review (Abstract accepted; peer-review to follow, winter 2023).
“Liminal Imperialists & The Expansion of Enslavement: Hiberno-Spaniards and Spanish Slavery in the Gulf Coast Borderlands, 1713-1804,” The Texas Gulf Historical and Biographical Record (Under peer review, November 2022).
“Republican Ascendancy: The Gubernatorial Career of Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain and its Consequences, 1866-1881.” Maine History 50, no. 1 (2016): 43-57.