Email: ozizmirl@bc.edu
Courses Taught:
Asia in the World I&II
Europe in the World I& II
African Diaspora in the World I&II
Early Modern Ottoman Empire, Labor History, Economic History, State Formation
My dissertation project seeks to explore the economic, cultural, and legal transformation of labor in the Ottoman Empire from the eighteenth century to the nineteenth century through the largest group of laborers in Istanbul, port and transport laborers, and to explore new labor and capital management strategies that were developed by the Ottoman governments.
“Evliya Çelebi ve Acâibü’l-Mahlûkât” (Evliya Çelebi and Marvelous Creatures), in Deligücük Zifirnâme, ed. Levent Cantek, (İstanbul: FlaneurComics, 2013), p. 191-200.
“Özgürlüğün Teolojikleşmesi mi Teolojinin Özgürleşmesi mi?” (Is it the Theologizing of Liberation? Or is it the Liberating of Theology?), in Dine Soldan Bakmak: Sol İlahiyat, ed. Kazım Özdoğan and Derviş Aydın Akkoç, (İstanbul: Birikim Yayınları, 2013), p. 213-225.
Koc University Research Center for Anatolian Civilizations, Dissertation Research Fellowship, 2018-2019
Presidential Fellowship, Boston College, 2014-2019
Harvard University-Koç University Intensive Ottoman Summer School, Cunda, Turkey- Summer 2012
Ankara University Faculty of Political Sciences Alumni Association Award, 2007-2011