Recent M.S. Alumni and Projects
- Oriana Battifarano:
- Bianca Bello: A High Frequency Specific Conductance Study of Dissolved Road Salt Transport in an Unconfined Massachusetts Aquifer. (2015)
- David Beutel: Groundwater Monitoring in an Aquifer Contaminated by Road Salt. (2015)
- Shakib Ahmed: Stable Isotopic Study of Groundwater Arsenic Contaminated Plume at Shepley’s Hill Landfill. (2014)
Recent Publications
- Rice, M., Hon, R. Schaudt, B., and Andronache, C., 2015, Percolation and Infiltration Rates of Dissolved Deicer Solutions; Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. Vol. 47, No. 7, p.325
- Hon, R., Dillon, P., Rice, M., Bello, B., Beutel, D., and Besancon, J., 2015, De-Icer Pathways from Impervious Surfaces to Streams and Public Water Supplies; Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. Vol. 47, No. 7, p.198
- Besancon, J. and Hon, R., 2015, Environmental Chemistry of a Snow Disposal Site, Boston, Massachusetts; Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. Vol. 47, No. 7, p.199
- Hon, R., Tedder N., Sege J.E., and Coefer J., 2009, Seasonal and Long-Term Patterns of Dissolved Chlorides in Stream Waters from Deicing Chemicals, Massachusetts; Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 41, No. 7, p. 557
- Hon R., Q. Xian, C. Andronache, Statistical Analysis of Road Salt Impact on Water Quality in New England Watersheds, presented at the 2009 AGU Joint Assembly, The Meeting of the Americas, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 24 - 27 May 2009.