Professor Emeritus
Email: marvin.kraus@bc.edu
ECON2201.05 Micro Theory
ECON7740 Microeconomic Theory I
"Land use in a circular city," 1974. Journal of Economic Theory, 8, 440-457
"Scale economies analysis for urban highway networks," 1981. Journal of Urban Economics 9, 1-22. Reprinted in Herbert Mohring, ed., The Economics of Transport, Edward Elgar, 1994; reprinted in Erik T. Verhoef, ed., The Economics of Traffic Congestion, Edward Elgar, 2010
"Self-financing of congestible facilities in a growing economy," with Richard Arnott, in David Pines, Efraim Sadka and Itzhak Zilcha, eds., Topics in Public Economics, Cambridge University Press, 1998, 161-184. Reprinted in Erik T. Verhoef, ed., The Economics of Traffic Congestion, Edward Elgar, 2010
"A new look at the two-mode problem," 2003. Journal of Urban Economics, 54, 511-530
"The welfare costs of nonoptimum pricing and investment policies for freeway transportation," with Herbert Mohring and Thomas Pinfold, 1976. American Economic Review, 66, 532-547. Translated into Japanese and published in two parts in Kosokudoro to Jidosha (Expressways and Automobiles), 1977, 20:7, 57-63 and 20:8, 52-58
Working Paper 771. Marvin Kraus, "Road Pricing with Optimal Mass Transit" (rev. 04/2012, PDF)
Working Paper 644. Marvin Kraus, "Returns to Scale in Networks" (07/2006: PDF)
Working Paper 559. Marvin Kraus, "Monocentric Cities" (05/2003: PDF)
Working Paper 553. Richard Arnott and Marvin Kraus, "Transport Economics" (01/2003)
Working Paper 551. Marvin Kraus, "A New Look at the Two-Mode Problem" (12/2002, PDF; published in Journal of Urban Economics, 2003, 54, 511-530)
Working Paper 354. Richard Arnott, Marvin Kraus, "When are Anonymous Congestion Charges Consistent with Marginal Cost Pricing?" (Rev. 3/97; published in Journal of Public Economics, 1998)
Working Paper 304. Richard Arnott, Marvin Kraus, "Self-Financing of Congestible Facilities in a Growing Economy" (6/95: PDF)