Maloney Hall
Email: frank.gollop@bc.edu
Industrial Organization
"Structural Inflation in the United States, 1964-1966," The American Economist, 13, No. 2 (Fall 1969), pp. 31-39.
"The Impact of the Fuel Adjustment Mechanism on Economic The Review of Economics and Statistics, 60, No. 4 (November 1978), pp. 574-84 (with Stephen Karlson).
"Firm Interdependence in Oligopolistic Markets," The Journal of Econometrics, 10 (April 1979), pp. 313-331 (with Mark Roberts).
"Accounting for Intermediate Input: The Link Between Sectoral and Aggregate Measures of Productivity Growth," in A. Rees and J. Kendrick (eds.), The Measurement and Interpretation of Productivity. Washington, D.C.: National Academy of Sciences, 1979.
"United States Factor Productivity by Industry, 1947-1973," in John W. Kendrick and Beatrice Vaccara (eds.), New Developments in Productivity Measurement and Analysis, Conference on Research in Income and Wealth, Vol. 44, Chicago: University of Chicago Press for the National Bureau of Economic Research, 1980 (with Dale Jorgenson).
"Imported Intermediate Input: Its Impact on Sectoral Productivity in U.S. Manufacturing," in N. Adam and A. Dogramaci (eds.), Productivity in the Macro- Sector. Boston: Martinus Nijhoff, 1980 (with Mark Roberts).
"The Sources of Growth in the U.S. Electric Power Industry," in T. Cowing and R. Stevenson (eds.), Productivity Measurement in Regulated Industries. New York: Academic Press, 1980 (with Mark Roberts).
"The Electric Power Industry: An Econometric Model of Intertemporal Behavior," Land Economics, (August 1980), (with Stephen Karlson).