245 Beacon Street 324F
Telephone: 617-552-1908
Email: maira.marquessamary@bc.edu
Software Engineering Education
Computer Science Education
Software Processes
Gender in Computer Science and Engineering
Collaborative Work
Maíra Marques, Jocelyn Simmonds, Pedro O. Rossel, María Cecilia Bastarrica. Software Product Line Evolution: A Systematic Literature Review, Information and Software Technology, vol. 105, pp. 190-208, 2019.
Maíra Marques, Sergio F. Ochoa, María Cecilia Bastarrica and Francisco Gutierrez. Enhancing the Student Learning Experience in Software Engineering Project Courses. IEEE Transactions on Education vol. 61 (1), pp. 63-73, 2018.
Michael Arias, Rodrigo Saavedra, Maíra Marques, Jose Munoz-Gama, Marcos Sepúlveda. Human Resource Allocation in Business Process Management and Process Mining: A Systematic Mapping Study, Management Decision 56 (2), pp. 376-405, 2018.
Maíra Marques, Javier Robledo, What Software Engineering “Best Practices” are we Teaching Students – a Systematic Literature Review, to be presented at Frontiers in Education (FIE), October 2018.
María Cecilia Bastarrica, Daniel Perovich, and Maíra Marques Samary. What Can Students Get from a Software Engineering Capstone Course? In Proceedings of the 39th International Conference on Software Engineering: Software Engineering and Education Track, pages 137–145. IEEE Press, 2017.