Maloney Hall 388
Telephone: 617-552-3673
ORCID 0000-0003-4766-3699
ECON2228.04 Econometrics
ECON8823.01 Applied Econometrics
Environmental Econometrics Using Stata, with Stan Hurn, 2021. College Station, TX: Stata Press.
“Recreational cannabis legislation, retail sales, and adolescent substance use through 2021,” with Rebekah Levine Coley, Naoka Carey, Claudia Kruzik, and Summer Sherburne Hawkins, 2024. JAMA Pediatrics.
"COVID-19 vaccinations and mental health among U.S. adults: Individual and spillover effects,” with Rebekah Levine Coley, Naoka Carey and Summer Sherburne Hawkins, 2023. Social Science and Medicine, 329:116027
“Innovation by start-up firms: The role of the board of directors for knowledge spillovers,” with Hans Lööf, Andreas Stephan and Ingrid Viklund-Ros, 2022. Research Policy, 51:1, 104375.
"Unit root tests for explosive behavior," with Jesús Otero, 2021. Stata Journal, 21:4, 999–1020.
“Recreational Marijuana Legislation and Adolescent Use of Marijuana, Tobacco, and Alcohol,” with Rebekah Levine Coley, Claudia Kruzik, Marco Ghiani, Naoka Carey and Summer Sherburne Hawkins, 2021. Journal of Adolescent Health, 69:1, 41-49.