In the 2016 anonymous survey of teachers at City Connects schools, 94% percent of teachers reported that they are satisfied with City Connects. Additionally, 93% of teachers would recommend City Connects to a teacher in another school.

In addition to these basic satisfaction questions, the survey asked teachers to report their satisfaction with specific aspects of the implementation of City Connects supports. 94% of teachers who participated in the survey in reported that students in their class who would benefit from an Individual Student Review received one. These in-depth reviews of students most at risk lead to goals and associated interventions, with tracking of progress over time.

We work with children who have substantial needs both inside and outside the classroom. The opportunity to reach out to a City Connects Coordinator and ask for help is invaluable. Our Coordinator works tirelessly to find every resource available to our kids, and the moment I become aware of a need she is able to move rapidly.
Boston teacher
The benefit which rises above others is the willingness of our [Coordinator] to consider all angles of a problem. The whole student is considered. This child has a home life, a school life, and a social life. All of these components are considered when trying to best assist each student.
Boston Catholic teacher