Registration for the 2021 NANDA International Conference is now open
"More than a Language: Nursing Diagnosis Communicating Health and the Human Experience"
A virtual global experience in collaboration with the Boston College School of Nursing
2021 Award Winners
The Founders Award is presented by the NANDA-I Board of Directors, to those individuals who have made a lasting, internationally-reaching contribution to education, implementation, development, research, and/or informatics applications of nursing diagnoses.
· Marcos Venícios de Oliveira Lopes, RN, PhD, FNI
· Susan Genarro, PhD, RN
The Unique Contribution Award is presented by the NANDA-I Board of Directors, to those individuals who have made an outstanding contribution to the advancement of nursing diagnosis and the Association.
· Sílvia Caldeira PhD, MSc, RN
· Camila Takao Lopes, PhD, RN, FNI
· Viviane Silva, PhD, RN, FNI
· Christopher J. Grillo (First Non-Nurse to Receive this Award)
This is the highest honor awarded by NANDA-I, and is bestowed by the NANDA-I President. This award recognizes a nurse leader who significantly influenced the use of NANDA-I terminology within professional nursing practice, education, research, health policy, or informatics. This individual has been a formal or informal leader within NANDA-I, and has invested in the professional development of others.
· Rosa Rifà Ros, PhD, RN
This award recognizes outstanding contribution to the advancement of the NANDA-I journal.
· Dorothy A. Jones, Ed.D, APRN, FNI, FAAN
This award, presented by the Editor of The International Journal of Nursing Knowledge, acknowledges the best paper published during the previous two-year cycle of the journal.
Call for the Use of Axial Terms: Toward Completeness of NANDA-I Nursing Diagnoses Labels (July, 2019)
· Susana Miguel RN, MSc; Joana Romeiro RN, MSc; Helga Martins RN, MSc; Tiago Casaleiro RN, MSc, MRS; Sílvia Caldeira, PhD, MSc, RN; T. Heather Herdman, PhD, RN, FNI, FAAN
· Frances Barrett
· DR Rita Gengo Butcher, a NANDA BC International Gordon Scholar, also named a NANDA-I Fellow

Connie White Delaney, PhD, RN, FAAN, FACMI, FNAP
Professor & Dean
School of Nursing
University of Minnesota

Carme Espinosa MSc, RN
NANDA International

Peggy L. Chinn, RN, PhD, DSc(Hon), FAAN
Professor Emerita of Nursing
University of Connecticut

Heather Herdman, RN, Ph.D., FNI
Chief Executive Officer
NANDA International

Laura Rossi, Ph.D., RN
Assistant Professor
Simmons University

Camila Takao-Lopes, RN, PhD, FNI
Adjunct Professor
Escola Paulista de Enfermagem, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Brazil
Please note the following:
- Registration deadline is May 31, 2o21 (Once you’ve registered, you will be receiving another email with additional details and information regarding the conference as we get closer to the date).
- You will need to have an individual Zoom account in order to attend this conference. If you do not have one already, please make sure to create a Zoom account before the conference. Instructions on how to join and create a Zoom account
- For frequently asked questions about Zoom, please see the Zoom FAQ here
- Please be aware that you may need to download the Zoom application on your device (phone, tablet, etc.) Please make sure to do this before the conference.
- We will not be able to provide technical support for any Zoom-related issues. Click on the frequently asked questions link above for help and additional support.
- For any questions or concerns please email Melissa Ayala at