Understanding the Workplace and Caregiving Experiences of LGBTQ+ Parents

IRB Protocol Number: 24.052.01e



The Boston College Center for Work & Family is recruiting for a new research study with working LGBTQ+ parents exploring:

•   Feelings of inclusion and belonging at work

•   Workplace supports that are most impactful

•   How families share caregiving and household                 responsibilities

Choosing new colour for the nursery

Eligibility criteria:

•   18 years+ and living in the U.S.

•   Identify as LGBTQ+ and be a parent to child(ren) under age 18

•   Employed by your current employer for at least one year and be eligible for benefits


If selected, you will:

•   Participate in a 60-minute audio or video interview

•   Receive nominal compensation in appreciation for your participation 




For more information:

If you have any questions about this study, please contact Tina Lawler McHugh or Keila Viñas at cwfresearch@bc.edu. If you have any questions regarding your rights as a research participant, please contact the Office for Research Protections, Boston College at 617-552-4778 or irb@bc.edu.