Fulton Hall 460B
Telephone: 617-552-0465
Email: sam.ransbotham@bc.edu
ORCID 0000-0001-5305-035X
IT Security; Artificial Intelligence; and the Strategic Use of IT.
Sam Ransbotham is a Professor of Business Analytics. He teaches “Analytics in Practice” and “Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence.” Ransbotham served as a senior editor at Information Systems Research, associate editor at Management Science, and academic contributing editor at MIT Sloan Management Review. He co-hosts the Me, Myself, and AI podcast about using artificial intelligence in business, available on all major platforms.
The National Science Foundation awarded Sam an NSF CAREER Award, one of the NSF’s “most prestigious awards in support of early-career faculty,” for his analytics-based research in security. INFORMS honored Sam with an INFORMS ISS Sandra A. Slaughter Early Career Award, which recognizes “early career individuals who are on a path towards making outstanding intellectual contribution.” Sam earned a bachelor’s degree in chemical engineering, an MBA, and a doctorate, all from the Georgia Institute of Technology. Before earning his doctorate, he founded a software company with a globally diverse client list, including the United Nations IAEA (Vienna), FAO (Rome), WHO (Geneva), and WMO (London). Since 2015, he has been an editor for MIT SMR’s Big Ideas initiatives, including Artificial Intelligence and Business Strategy and Competing With Data & Analytics.
2019 Information Systems Research, Senior Editor
2019 MIT Sloan Management Review, Contributing Academic Editor
2017 MIT Sloan Management Review, Guest Editor for Artificial Intelligence and Business Strategy
2017 McKiernan Distinguished Fellow
2017 INFORMS ISS Sandy Slaughter Early Career Award
2016 Management Science, Associate Editor
2016 Information Systems Research, Associated Editor
2014 MIT Sloan Management Review, Guest Editor for Data and Analytics
2014 National Science Foundation CAREER Award
2013 Best Young Researcher, Workshop on Health IT and Economics, (with Eric Overby and Mike Jernigan)
2013 Best Reviewer, INFORMS Conference on Information Systems and Technology
2013 Marketing Science Institute Research Grant, 2013 (with Nick Lurie and Hongju Liu)
2013 Best Paper, Knowledge Management and Business Intelligence Track, ICIS (with Jerry Kane)
2013 Boston College Carroll School of Management Undergraduate Teaching Award
2012 Best Paper, Security and Privacy Track, ICIS (with Saby Mitra)
2011 Wharton Customer Analytics Initiative Modeling Mobile Customer Behavior Grant (with Nick Lurie)
2011 Boston College Faculty Fellowship
2009 Runner-up for Best Published Paper in Information Systems Research (with Saby Mitra)
2010 Best Paper, Academy of Management, Organizational Communication and Information Systems Division (with Eric Overby)
2009 Google and WPP Marketing Research Award (with Nick Lurie)
"Electronic Trace Data and Legal Outcomes: The Effect of Electronic Medical Records on Malpractice Claim Resolution Time?" (With Eric Overb, and Michael Jernigan.) Management Science, 67 (7), 3985-4642. July, 2021.
"Capturing Value in Platform Business Models that Rely on User-Generated Content." (With Hemang Subramanian and Sabyasachi Mitra.) Organization Science, 32 (3), 527-908. May-June, 2021.
“Avoiding an Oppressive Future of Machine Learning: A Design Theory for Emancipatory Assistants," (With Gerald Kane, Amber Young and Ann Majchrzak.) MIS Quarterly, 45. 2021.
"Expanding AI's Impact With Organizational Learning."(With Shervin Khodabandeh, David Kiron, Francois Candelon, Michael Chu and Burt LaFountain.) MIT Sloan Management Review. 2020.
"Coordination and Dynamic Promotion Strategies in Crowdfunding with Network Externalities." (With Zhuoxin Li and Jason Duan.) Production and Operations Management, 29 (4), 1032-1049. April, 2020.
"From Lurkers to Workers: Predicting Voluntary Contribution and Community Welfare." (With Mario Kokkodis and Theodoros Lappas.) Information Systems Research, 31 (2), 607-626. June, 2020.
"Winning with AI." (With Shervin Khodabandeh, Ronny Fehling, Burt LaFountain and David Kiron.) MIT Sloan Management Review. October, 2019.
"Creation and Consumption of Mobile Word-of-Mouth: How are Mobile Reviews Different?" (With Nicholas Lurie and Honju Liu.) Marketing Science, 38 (5), 733-912. September-October, 2018.
"Hidden Side Effects of Recommendation Systems." (With Gediminas Adomavicius, Jesse Bockstedt, Shawn Curley and Jingjing Zhang.) MIT Sloan Management Review, 60 (2). November, 2018.
"Artificial Intelligence in Business Gets Real: Pioneering Companies Aim for AI at Scale." (With David Kiron, Phillip Gerbert, Martin Reeves and Michael Spira.) MIT Sloan Management Review. September, 2018.
“How Do Adopters Transition Between New and Incumbent Channels?” (With Eric Overby.) MIS Quarterly, 43 (1), 185-205. 2019.
"Can IT Be Too In Sync With Business Strategy?" (With Huigang Liang, Nianxin Wang, Yajiong Xue and Shilun Ge.) MIT Sloan Management Review, 59 (4), 2018.
"Using Analytics to Understand Customer Engagement." (With David Kiron.) MIT Sloan Management Review. January, 2018.
"Reshaping Business with Artificial Intelligence: Closing the Gap Between Ambition and Action." (With David Kiron, Phillip Gerbert and Martin Reeves.) MIT Sloan Management Review. September, 2017.
"Analytics as a Source of Business Innovation." (With David Kiron.) MIT Sloan Management Review. February, 2017.
"The Subtle Source of Sampling Bias Hiding in Your Data." MIT Sloan Management Review, 59 (1). May, 2017.
"Ubiquitous IT and Digital Vulnerabilities." (With Robert Fichman, Ram Gopal and Alok Gupta.) Information Systems Research, 27 (4), 834-847. December, 2016.
"Minding the Analytics Gap." (With David Kiron and Pamela Prentice.) MIT Sloan Management Review, 56 (3). March, 2015.