Fulton Hall 326B
Telephone: 617-552-3976
Email: balduzzp@bc.edu
Empirical Asset Pricing
Pierluigi Balduzzi is a professor in the Seidner Department of Finance at the Boston College Carroll School of Management. He holds an undergraduate degree in Economics (DES) from Bocconi University, Milan, and a Ph.D. in Economics from UCLA. His research appears in leading finance and economics journals, such as the Journal of Finance, Journal of Financial Economics, Review of Financial Studies, and American Economic Review and has been presented at leading academic conferences, such as the American Finance Association, Western Finance Association, European Finance Association, and the NBER Summer Institute, as well as non-academic institutions, such as Goldman Sachs, Deutsche Bank, the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve, and the European Central Bank.
“Anatomy of a Sovereign Debt Crisis: Machine Learning, Real-time Macro Fundamentals, and CDS Spreads.” (With Robert Savona and Lucia Alessi.) Journal of Financial Econometrics, 21 (5), 1728-1758. Autumn, 2023.
“Heterogeneity in Target-date Funds: Optimal Risk Taking or Risk Matching?” (With Jonathan Reuter.) Review of Financial Studies, 32 (1), 300–337. January, 2019.
“Financial Markets, Banks’ Cost of Funding, and Firms’ Decisions: Lessons from Two Crises.” (With Emanuele Brancati and Fabio Schiantarelli.) Journal of Financial Intermediation, 36, 1–15. October, 2018.
“Economic Risk Premia in the Fixed Income Markets: The Intra-day Evidence.” (With Fabio Moneta.) Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 52, 1927–1950. June, 2017.
"U.S. Treasury Market: The High-frequency Evidence." (With Fabio Moneta.) Handbook of Fixed Income Securities. March, 2016.
"A Simple Test of the Affine Class of Term-structure Models." (With I-Hsuan Ethan Chiang.) Review of Asset Pricing Studies, 2 (2), 203–244. December, 2012.
“Asset-pricing Models and Economic Risk Premia: A Decomposition.” (With Cesare Robotti.) Journal of Empirical Finance, 17 (1), 54-80. January, 2010.
“Money and Asset Prices in a Continuous-time Lucas and Stokey Cash-in-advance Economy.” Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 31 (8), 2713-2743. August, 2007
“Testing Heterogeneous-agent Models: An Alternative Aggregation Approach.” (With Tong Yao.) Journal of Monetary Economics, 54 (2), 369-412. March, 2007.
His professional experiences include an internship at the International Monetary Fund, consulting for the Social Security Administration, executive teaching at Credit Suisse-First Boston, and serving on the board of advisors of Polaris Investments.
From 2006 until 2017, he served as an Associate Editor of the Journal of Business and Economic Statistics.