Fulton Hall 350A
Telephone: 617-552-6821
Email: mei.xue.1@bc.edu
Mei Xue’s research interest is to understand the complex relationship between humans and technology and its corresponding impact on firms and human workers. Professor Xue has led the following past and current projects in which advanced business analytics for big data are applied to solve some challenging issues facing the financial services industry:
“Intelligent Banking -Transforming Banking with Analytics and Artificial Intelligence” –This project focuses on exploring how to combine analytics with artificial intelligence (natural language processing and machine learning) to improve efficiency and accuracy in risk control and marketing at a Fortune 500 bank with millions of customers.
“The Management of Complex Financial Systems: Modeling, Pricing and Risk”- This project focus on operational risk control in financial services, in particular, customer induced risks in the background of social media. In particular, we investigate the liquidity risk introduced by the uncertainty of customer behaviors with an assets management practice involving assets under management (AUM) in billions.
“Customer Efficiency and the Management of Multi-channel Service Delivery System” - This project focuses on consumer’s adoptions of Internet channel in retail banking and its impact on service efficiency, customer relationship and firm performance in financial services with several large and medium sized banks in the U.S.
Professor Xue’s research has received grants from National Science Foundation (NSF), Marketing Science Institute (MSI) and the Wharton E-Business Initiative. Professor Xue's research work has been published at premier academic journals including Management Science, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management (M&SOM), Production and Operations Management (POM), and Journal of Service Research and won the Most Influential Service Operations Paper Award of Production and Service Operations Society (POMS) in 2011.
Professor Xue holds a PhD in Management Science and Applied Economics and an AM in Operations and Information Management from the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania and a MSE in Systems Engineering from the School of Engineering and Applied Science, University of Pennsylvania
“Is college education less necessary with AI? Evidence from firm-level labor structure changes.” (With Xing Cao, Xu Feng, Bin Gu, and Yongjie Zhang.) Journal of Management Information Systems, 3. 2022.
“Operational Risk in Financial Services: A review and new research opportunities.” (With Yuqian Xu and Michael Pinedo.) Production and Operations Management, 26 (3), 426-445. March, 2017.
“The determinants and outcome of Internet banking adoption.” (With Lorin M. Hitt and Pei-yu Chen.) Management Science, 57 (2), 291-307. February, 2011.
“Service co-production with information stickiness and incomplete contracts: implications for consulting service design.” (With Joy M. Field.) Production and Operations Management, 17 (3), 357-372. May-June, 2008.
“Customer efficiency, channel usage and firm performance in retail banking.” (With Lorin M. Hitt and Patrick T. Harker.) Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 9 (4), 535-558. Fall, 2007.