Fulton Hall 460A
Telephone: 617-552-1256
Email: doyoon.kim@bc.edu
Innovation; Technology Strategy; Digitization; Open Source Software; and Immigration.
Do Yoon Kim is an Assistant Professor of Business Analytics at the Carroll School of Management, Boston College. His research interests include innovation, technology strategy, and digitization. His recent work studies the software and hardware industries, where he analyzes the benefits and challenges of firms innovating alongside free and open source software communities. More broadly, he is interested in how knowledge flows across organizational boundaries, and firm strategies/government policies that can facilitate efficient transfers of knowledge.
Professor Kim received a doctorate in Strategy from Harvard Business School and a B.A. from Northwestern University.
“Innovation on Wings: Nonstop Flights and Firm Innovation in the Global Context.” (With Dany Bahar, Prithwriarj Choudhury and Wesley Koo.) Management Science, 69 (10), 5695-6415. October, 2023.