Waul House 108
Telephone: 617-552-3263
Email: soob@bc.edu
ORCID 0000-0002-9212-5390
Audit Markets and Auditor Tenure; Disclosure Incentives; and Financial Regulations Response.
Professor Billy Soo's research interests are in audit markets and auditor tenure, disclosure incentives, and managers’ and equity market’s responses to financial regulations. He has published in The Accounting Review, Journal of Accounting Research, Contemporary Accounting Research, Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory, and Journal of Accounting and Public Policy.
He teaches all levels of financial accounting and financial statement analysis to undergraduates, graduates and executives.
Previously, Professor Soo worked for the accounting firm SGV & Co. (previously a part of Andersen Worldwide and now a member of Ernst & Young Global), and earned his CPA in the Philippines.
Professor Soo has served or is currently serving on the editorial boards of Accounting Horizons, Issues in Accounting Education, Philippine Management Review and Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory.
“Changes in Audit Firm Competition and the Big N Premium.” (With Elizabeth Carson, Roger Simnett and Arnold Wright.) Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory, 21 (3), 47-73. August, 2012.
“Auditor Tenure and the Ability to Meet or Beat Earnings.” (With Larry Davis and Greg Trompeter.) Contemporary Accounting Research, 26 (2), 517-548. Summer, 2009.
“The Relevance of Form 8-K Reports.” (With Mary Ellen Carter.) Journal of Accounting Research, 37 (1), 119-132. Spring, 1999.
“Evidence of Regulatory Noncompliance with SEC Disclosure Rules on Auditor Changes.” (With Kenneth B. Schwartz.) The Accounting Review, 71 (4), 555-572. October, 1996.
“The Association Between Auditor Changes and Reporting Lags.” (With Kenneth B. Schwartz.) Contemporary Accounting Research, 13 (1), 335-352. Spring, 1996.
“An Analysis of Form 8-K Disclosures of Auditor Changes by Firms Approaching Bankruptcy.” (With Kenneth B. Schwartz.) Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory, 14 (1), 125-136. Spring, 1995.