The Office of Student Services' Orientation presentation for parents of first-year students is now available for reference online. The PDF presentation includes information about course registration, grades and transcripts, financial aid, student employment, billing, payment options, residential meal plans, and more!
Image by Clker-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay
This year marks the 25th anniversary of the Office of Student Services at Boston College!
Please note, the American Rescue Act, HEERF III or CARES Act III, was signed into law on March 11, 2021 and also contains funding for higher education. Boston College has begun the process of reviewing the regulatory guidance and determining eligibility for the HEERF III program. The awarding process for that program will begin in mid-to-late fall semester. Students who are eligible for this award will be notified. Please check the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF) page for future updates as they become available.
Boston College students have recently been targeted by fake job offer scams. Some BC students have received unsolicited emails on their BC email accounts recruiting them for fake on-campus jobs. For more information, visit the Warning: Job Scams and Fraud page.
Image by mohamed_hassan from Pixabay
The Office of Student Services is pleased to announce the transition to electronic transcripts.
Current students can now request official transcripts using the transcript request link in the Agora Portal. Alumni may request transcripts by going directly to the National Student Clearinghouse website. Paper transcripts, delivered via regular or express mail, will still be available for request.
There is a $5 charge per electronic transcript and a $7 charge per paper transcript (all fees are paid directly to National Student Loan Clearinghouse). Additional fees are required for express mail service.
For more information, visit the Transcript Requests page.
Image by slightly_different from Pixabay
Students may grant access regarding their course and grade information to their parents (or advisors, etc.). To enable proxy access, go to the Agora Portal and click "Grant Third Party (Proxy) Access to My Account" (under Account and Personal Info). Contact the Technology Help Center for assistance at 617-552-4357 or help.center@bc.edu.
Image by GDJ from Pixabay