Unshaken by a year leading BC’s student government through the pandemic, Christian Guma ’21 is already considering how best to pay forward to the next generation of Eagles all the support he received at the Heights.
“It was baptism by fire,” Christian Guma ’21 says, remembering his first days as president of the Undergraduate Government at Boston College (UGBC). Elected in late February 2020, he came into office just as the COVID-19 pandemic began upending every aspect of student life. “Our messaging had to be strong, united,” remembers Guma. “As did the community we fostered.”
For the Red Bandanna game against Notre Dame in November, Guma and the UGBC pass out themed t-shirts and masks to generate excitement and uplift morale.
Yet Guma’s voice betrays a hint of exhaustion as he looks back on how the student government responded to the pandemic. “When we came back to campus in August 2020, some people expected that we’d all have to return home in two or three weeks. So I’m really proud of the way we rose to that occasion—as a student government, as a student body, and as a university,” he says.
Trying as it was to lead in such a chaotic and confusing time, Guma insists the experience taught him so much. “I learned the importance of having a steady hand in the midst of chaos and how to adapt when circumstances are out of your control,” he says. Moreover, he credits the mentorship and guidance of the University leaders and administrators such as Assistant Vice President Jack Dunn, with whom he worked as UGBC president. “I’m so thankful for those relationships; their support was indispensable,” he says.
When asked if he has any desire to work in politics again, Guma replies with an unambiguous, “No.” It’s clear, however, that the Carroll School of Management graduate is game for whatever challenges the future holds.
After four years, I can see how much Boston College has given to me.
Guma and his basketball squad pose with their prized BC mugs after winning the intramural championship in fall 2019.
This month he begins his career as a private wealth management analyst at Rockefeller Capital Management in New York City, equipped with the knowledge and wisdom gleaned from his time at the Heights.
It wasn’t easy for Guma to say goodbye to BC in May. From the strong culture of the University to the collaborative nature of the academic work in the finance program, as well as his great relationships with faculty such as Carroll School Assistant Professor Michael Smith, it was bittersweet to leave the people and places that were so personally and professionally formative. Besides his involvement in student government, Guma jokes that he’s most proud of his intramural sports career. With two dodgeball championships as well as a basketball championship in his trophy case, can you blame him?
“After four years, I can see how much Boston College has given to me.” Just a few weeks removed from tossing his cap in front of Gasson, he has his sights set on staying active in the Alumni Association and involved with his alma mater. “I want to pass that love for BC on to the next generation of Eagles, and make sure their experience is as life-changing as mine was. I love working on behalf of BC.”