Not Now: Modernism, Nativism, and Fascism in American Art and Culture
Thursday, November 2, 2023 | 3:00-5:00 PM | Devlin 413 | Please register for the student workshop

Philip Guston, Monument, 1976
Not Now examines the relationship between nativism, fascism, and modernism in American art and the writing of its histories. Grounded in the work of Black artists and writers of the 1930s, it takes seriously the implication that fascism is “native” to America. We aim to convene a program that contends with fascist tendencies in the racial regimes and historical traumas of a settler colony and the visual culture that buttressed it. With the current resurgence of fascism in mind, we ask: Has American fascist visual culture sought to institute its own form of temporality via concepts of origin, destiny, and nativity? How can art historians situate neo-fascism now within fascism’s origins then? And finally, what new forms of interdisciplinary analysis are needed to make sense of fascism’s entanglements with American cultural history?
The Boston College workshops is the first leg of a three-part, yearlong program. A second set of workshops will take place in February at UCL, and the program will culminate in an international symposium at UCL in June 2024.
All interested students from any department or discipline are welcome to join. If attending, please read the following short text in advance of our discussion: Alberto Toscano, "Notes on Late Fascism" (2017).
Pizza and refreshments will be available for participants
Supported by The Institute for the Liberal Arts, Boston College and the Terra Foundation for American Art
Special thanks to the Art, Art History, and Film Department and the McMullen Museum
Schedule and RegistrationThursday, November 2, 2023 | Devlin 413 | Please register for the student workshop | |
3:00-5:00 PM | Student WorkshopConvened by: Larne Abse Gogarty, Kevin Lotery, and Stephanie Schwartz Please read the following short text in advance of our discussion: Alberto Toscano, "Notes on Late Fascism" (2017). |
Friday, November 3, 2023 | McMullen Museum, Room 104 | Invitation Only, Not Open to the Public | |
9:00 AM-4:00 PM | Faculty Workshop |
Larne Abse Gogarty, Associate Professor and Head of History and Theory of Art, Slade School of Fine Art
Kevin Lotery, Assistant Professor of Modern & Contemporary Art, Boston College
Stephanie Schwartz, Associate Professor of American Art, University College London
E.C. Feiss, Assistant Professor of Art History, Providence College
Ciarán Finlayson, writer and editor, New York
Michael Glass, Assistant Professor of History, Boston College
Claire Grace, Associate Professor of Art History, Wesleyan University
Jason Hill, Associate Professor of Art History, University of Delaware
Jennifer Nelson, Associate Professor of Art History, University of Delaware/Hilles Bush Fellow, Radcliffe Institute, Harvard
Renée Pastel, Assistant Professor of Communication, Boston College
Zoé Samudzi, Charles E. Scheidt Visiting Assistant Professor of Genocide Studies and Genocide Prevention, Clark University
Christopher Vials, Professor of English, University of Connecticut
Campus Map and Parking
Campus Map and Parking:
Parking is available at the nearby Beacon Street and Commonwealth Avenue Garages.
Boston College is also accessible via public transportation (MBTA B Line - Boston College).
Boston College strongly encourages conference participants to receive the COVID-19 vaccination before attending events on campus.
Boston College strongly encourages conference participants to receive the COVID-19 vaccination before attending events on campus.