School Notes

Date posted:   Jan 22, 2025

History of the Church I: The Beginnings through Medieval Period

Photo of History of the Church: Telling Our Stories

Fee: $60 | Five Weeks


Church history tells the stories that are woven into the fiber of the Church as people of God and as institution.  The Church's beliefs, practices, and relationships have been formed by believers of every generation as they endeavored to live lives of faith in their own time and place.

In this course we explore the people and events that shaped culture and society as well as the Church across the centuries.  We look at both the epoch forming events as well as the people behind them.

Also see History of the Church II: The Reformation to Vatican II

This course has a required text:  Kevin L Hughes, Church History: Faith Handed On. Chicago: Loyola Press, 2002. (Loyola Press) (Amazon)


Week 1:  Why Study Church History?  

Week 2: In the Beginning

Week 3: Establishing Faith in the Context of Culture

Week 4: Faith through the Early and High Middle Ages

Week 5: Faith in the Late Middle Ages

Content Scholars: Kevin L. Hughes, Ph.D. (book) Assistant Professor of Historical Theology at Villanova University; Francine Cardman, Ph.D. (video) Associate Professor of Historical Theology and Church History at Boston College School of Theology and Ministry; Catherine M. Mooney, Ph.D. (video) Associate Professor of Church History at Boston College School of Theology and Ministry.