Important news about the Sloan Research Network activities for 2022

I am writing to let you know that the Alfred P. Sloan grant G-2018-11212, Solidifying the Sloan Research Network on the Study of Aging & Work as a Living Legacy is scheduled to end on November 30, 2021. We have, however, been approved for a no-cost-extension (NCE) of the grant for one year. The COVID-19 pandemic has made it difficult to carry out the planned projects as proposed to the Foundation. So, we have been allowed to carry funds through November 30, 2022 to plan a meeting at GSA in November 2022 in Indianapolis. We fervently hope that by then, we will be able to meet in person again.   

Since the sustainability of the Network was a major goal of the recent award, I have recruited my replacement, and will retire in early January 2022. Christina (Tina) Matz, Ph.D., associate professor at the Boston College School of Social Work, has graciously and enthusiastically agreed to accept the role as director of the Network! As you all know, Tina has been a member of the Steering Committee for the Network since its inception and an active participant in all the Network activities. She is also chair of the Older Adults & Families Field-of-Practice and director of the Spier Fellows in Aging program at BC. Her research focuses on meaningful engagement in later life and its effects on the health and well-being of individuals, families, organizations, communities, and society. She is teeming with ideas for the Network going forward and will be an asset to this growing organization. I am confident of the sustainability of the Network under her leadership along with the support and direction of the Steering Committee, not to mention the ideas that come from you, the membership.  

Over the course of seven years of funding from the Sloan Foundation, we have built the Network into a strong community of scholars and practitioners, over 300 strong, who represent many different countries and disciplines. We have posted a weekly News & Research Feed which now contains over 650 articles. We have used social media to inform the aging and work community and interested others about Network activities as well as current news and research in the field. Although we will not be able to continue these valuable services, we are grateful to Judi Casey who has conscientiously collated these posts for you and managed our social media activities. We have hosted two research institutes, multiple webinars, and two GSA pre-conferences. We have provided small research support grants to numerous members and have led in the development of two special issues of journals, and one edited volume, all focused on the changing context of aging and work.  

Although I am retiring, I am committed to working with Tina and the Steering Committee to complete the work of the grant over the next year and will be available in a consulting role. I also hope to see all of you at the meeting that is yet to be designed for November 2022. Stay tuned for more on that front in the coming months. 

It has been the highlight of my career to work with such a dedicated group of scholars, all committed to making longer life a better life. I am going to find out in very real terms what this thing called retirement is like after studying it for so long.

In the meantime, I wish you all well in the coming year and will look forward to the continued growth and development of the Sloan Research Network on Aging & Work. It is filling an urgent need in our society across the world.

With best regards to all of you.

Jacquelyn James
Director, Sloan Research Network on Aging & Work
Boston College  

Network Steering Committee: Cal Halvorsen, Kendra Jason, Ruth Kanfer, Christina Matz-Costa, Phyllis Moen, Marcie Pitt-Catsouphes, Sara Rix, Harvey Sterns, Philip Taylor, Johanna Thunell