Telephone: 617-798-1068
Email: zoe.silver@bc.edu
Zoe Silver, LICSW, (she/her) received her MSW from Boston College in 2019 and is currently pursuing a PsyaD from Boston Graduate School of Psychoanalysis.
Zoe has a private practice and works part-time at the Brookline Center for Community Mental Health as an outpatient provider and clinical supervisor.
Her professional experience is wide-ranging and includes community work with clients struggling with severe mental illness, complex trauma, co-morbid medical challenges, and homelessness/housing insecurity.
Zoe has completed two post-graduate fellowships including the Program for Psychotherapy at Cambridge Health Alliance and the Couple Therapy Training Program at Psychodynamic Couple and Family Institute of New England, and is dedicated to ongoing learning.
Through her roles as a teacher, supervisor, and psychotherapist, she aims to help people create and sustain healing relationships in which they can talk freely, as well as question and shift power imbalances in order to avoid perpetuating harmful systems of care. She deeply enjoys teaching at BCSSW and finds it a meaningful way to stay involved with the evolution of the field.