Email: taylorkm@bc.edu
Complex Trauma
Child and Adolescent Mental Health
Evidence-based Treatment
Kelsey Taylor, MS, LMHC, is an experienced child and family therapist working in community-based and residential settings with expansive knowledge of behavioral health, child welfare, and juvenile justice systems. She enjoys developing the knowledge and skill of direct care staff, paraprofessionals, educators, and clinicians through training, consultation, and supervision.
Kelsey is passionate about providing effective and creative interventions to help children, youth, and families build resilience to move beyond complex trauma and address mental health needs. She has worked as a clinician and administrator within non-profit human services agencies and a depression prevention research team, leading a school-based screening and intervention program.
Kelsey is trained in multiple evidence based/informed treatments and approaches, including Dialectical Behavior Therapy, Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavior Therapy, Psychological First Aid, Sensory Motor Arousal Regulation Treatment (SMART), and Attachment, Regulation and Competency (ARC) Framework.
Kelsey’s clinical practice, supervision, and teaching approach is informed by her graduate studies at Northeastern University in Ecological Systems Theory and Feminist Psychology. In addition to teaching BCSSW courses, Kelsey has taught social work continuing education courses for Boston College for the past 10 years.
18 years clinical experience working with Children, Youth, and Families in community, residential, and school-based programs.