Global Practice

At Boston College School of Social Work we are committed to improving the lives of the world's most vulnerable. We believe that the Common Good is reached when all work together to improve the well-being of people in our society and the wider world, by addressing complex and seemingly intractable social problems. The Global Practice Program brings together faculty, staff, and students across BCSSW to engage in integrated research and practice. 



We prepare MSW students to work effectively in the fields of global social work, humanitarian aid, and international development both in the US and abroad. By promoting person-first approaches to practice, policy and research, we prepare macro and clinical Master of Social Work (MSW) students to address some of the world's most complex social issues that transcend national boundaries.

Through field placement opportunities, MSW Global Practice students have the option of completing second-year field internships overseas; domestically in the US; or locally in the Boston and New England region. 


As part of a small cohort, students learn to address transnational issues guided by principles of human rights and human security, while promoting sustainable and community-based solutions to social problems. These issues include education access, environmental justice, migration, forced displacement, and public health issues; as well as humanitarian emergencies, international child protection, and gender-based violence.  Moreover, students gain fundamental skills in areas such as mental health and psychosocial support, policy analysis, trauma-informed practice, grant writing, monitoring and evaluation, and project planning.


Global Overseas

Placement outside of the U.S. (full-time, 720 hours)
Final semester of MSW program

Global Domestic

Place in the U.S. outside of New England with global focus (full-time, 720 hours)
Final Semester of MSW program

Global Local

Local placement with global focus (part-time, 720 hours)
Concurrent with coursework
Second-year of MSW program

Involvement Opportunities

Interdisciplinary Certificate in Humanitarian Assistance

Sponsored by the Center for Social Innovation, ICHA is designed to ensure that our graduates and humanitarian partners have access to up-to-date knowledge on how best to respond to rapidly changing needs in the field. Developed in close partnership with international non-governmental organizations (INGOs) and building on the academic strengths of Boston College faculty and staff, ICHA is a curriculum of eight modules.   


Global Program for Migration, Refugees, and Humanitarian Assistance

 A working group supported by the Center for Social Innovation that brings together students, faculty, and staff working on areas of common interest including migration, refugees, humanitarian assistance, and international development. This program offers a space for research dissemination and promotes initiatives to educate and inform audiences beyond academic settings about migration, refugees, and humanitarian issues. 

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