
Language Lab

DiLL: The Digital Language Lab for Macs

The Lab’s media collection, computer/multimedia software, other audiovisual learning aids, and print materials including mono- and bilingual dictionaries, as well as language textbooks and activity manuals for elementary through advanced language courses, directly support and/or supplement the curriculum requirements in international language, literature, and music.

The Lab’s collection is designed to help users acquire and maintain aural comprehension, oral and written proficiency, and cultural awareness. Prominent among offerings that directly address these goals are international news broadcasts made available through Boston College’s subscription to SCOLA Web Services. SCOLA’s online programming provides a timely resource for linguistic and cultural information in a wide variety of languages.

Students (undergraduate and graduate), faculty, and BC community members who wish to use the Language Laboratory facility and its resources will find the Laboratory staff available during the day, in the evening, and on weekends to help them operate equipment and select appropriate materials for their course-related or personal language needs.