Global Dynamics of Anti-blackness

The following materials have been suggested by faculty members in Boston College’s International Studies Program as resources for students and faculty alike as we strive to better understand the global histories and dynamics of anti-blackness and the social movements, political structures, economic systems, theologies, and ideologies that perpetuate or resist them. Items on the first tabbed list have a transnational or global focus, even when discussing the United States; the second tabbed list offers resources primarily about the U.S. context. 

This resource list is of course just a beginning, and although we will add to it in the coming months, no such list can be comprehensive. For deeper study, we especially encourage current students to enroll in courses listed or cross-listed in African and African Diaspora Studies, more than 20 of which can count as electives in the IS major or minor. 

We recommend a number of the widely-circulated reading lists for cultivating anti-racism in the US domestic context, including: 


Additional recommended work on the U.S. domestic context: