School Notes

Date posted:   Apr 24, 2018

ENVS Students' Installations on Display at BC Arts Fest

Photo of Arts Festival: Creating Together Logo

Got trash? Students from Easy Being Green? Waste, Consumption and Environmental Justice in the 21st Century (ENVS/SOCY 440701) will be displaying five installations at the BC Arts Festival. The goal of the project is to learn about environmental inequalities, while also inspiring creative interdisciplinary communication that raises awareness and empowers engagement with the BC community.

The installations are designed to start conversations (and hopefully prompt local action) on campus about today’s most pressing and often hidden environmental challenges. The class would like to thank the BC Arts Festival, local installation artist, Soyoung Kim, and Rachel Chamberlain, Manager of Education Outreach at the McMullen Museum of Art for their help, guidance, and support.

For more information, see here.