Doctoral Student
Systematic Theology
Minor: Theological Ethics
Stokes Hall N 330C
Email: matthew.cuff@bc.edu
Teaching Assistant
Originally from Scranton, Pennsylvania, Matt studied theology and philosophy as an undergraduate at Fordham University. In 2022, he received his Masters in Theological Studies from Boston College’s Clough School of Theology and Ministry.
Matt’s research interests include: the relationship between theology, mysticism/spirituality and political engagement; the theology and philosophy of Karl Rahner, Johann Baptist Metz and Ignacio Ellacuría; the history and reception of liberation, political, and decolonial theologies; and theologies of the Church-State relationship.
Prior to graduate studies, Matt lived and worked in Washington, D.C. in the Office of Justice and Ecology of the Jesuit Conference of Canada and the United States. There he engaged in Federal-level advocacy, education, and networking on criminal justice reform, immigration reform, U.S. foreign policy in Central America, anti-poverty policy, and Native America/First Nations policy.
Matt has also served in several advisory roles for Catholic social justice organizations, including as a board member of the Ignatian Solidarity Network and as an advisory-board member of the National Advocacy Center of the Sisters of the Good Shepherd and the Ignatian Volunteer Corps of Northeastern Pennsylvania.