Doctoral Candidate
History of Christianity
Minor: Systematic Theology
Stokes Hall N330H
Email: kimbalkh@bc.edu
Teaching Assistant
Teaching Fellow (Boston College)
Adjunct (St. Bernard's School of Theology and Ministry)
Kasey works primarily in the early Franciscan tradition, with a particular interest in theological, anthropology, sacramental theology, and the spiritual senses. She also has an abiding interest in pre-Modern scriptural exegesis and theories of secularization.
Inspired by the 20th century Catholic ressourcement movement, she intends her scholarly work in Patristic and Medieval theology to be of service both to the contemporary Church and academy. In this spirit, her dissertation project on the (relatively unknown) 14th century Franciscan Rudolph of Biberach aims both to fill a lacuna in early Franciscan studies and to resource this medieval mystic's wisdom for today.
When she is not reading, writing, or teaching, she enjoys British detective fiction, distance running, and making friends with other people's dogs.