Doctoral Candidate
Theological Ethics
Email: mccravej@bc.edu
Teaching Assistant
Teaching Fellow
Title: "Forgiveness as a Virtue: A Constructive Theological Account"
Director: Dr. Stephen J. Pope
Readers: Dr. Lisa Sowle Cahill and Dr. James F. Keenan, S.J.
Joseph McCrave is a doctoral candidate in Theological Ethics. He is from the United Kingdom and received a B.A. in Philosophy and Theology and M.Phil. in Theology from the University of Oxford.
His interests are in virtue, political theology, and social ethics. His dissertation research explores forgiveness in personal and political contexts, and argues that forgiveness is not merely an act but a virtue, which leads to action.
In 2018, he received the Goodwin Prize for Excellence in Theological Writing for an initial essay on his dissertation topic. During doctoral studies, he has held fellowships including as a Graduate Fellow with the Clough Center for the Study of Constitutional Democracy at Boston College, and as a Summer Fellow with the Hank Center for the Catholic Intellectual Heritage at Loyola University Chicago.
He has published on topics related to virtue, including in 2021 on the virtue of penance (repentance) for theĀ Journal of the Oxford Graduate Theological Society.