Doctoral Student
Comparative Theology
Minor: Systematic Theology
Stokes Hall N 430G
Email: jess.navarette@bc.edu
Jess Navarette works in Comparative Theology and Comparative Religion, particularly between the Hindu and Christian traditions. His current research focuses on theological resonances between Vaishnava Bhakti practices and those found within the realm of Christianity. Further specialty includes 20th Century Hinduism, North American Hinduism, and work with Hindi and Sanskrit as research languages.
Jess is also engaged in interreligious dialogue and interfaith events, academically and within local communities. Jess works with the Boston Theological Interreligious Consortium as an event coordinator and facilitator for the Interreligious Leadership Certification program and has been a community interfaith organizer for many years.
Jess also has nearly a decade of experience as an educator in public and private schools in California. Further fields of interest include: hybrid religious belonging, spirituality and mysticism, contemplative practices, music and religion, theopoetics, new religious movements, and religious pluralism.
Recent Presentations
"Theistic Meditation Techniques from the Hindu Tradition," Mind Brain Behavior Interfaculty Initiative, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA (2023).
"Yoga in a Global-Religious Context," Prem Yoga Certification Training; online (2023) and in-person at the Radha Krishna Temple of Dallas, TX (2021).
"Interfaith Music Night," Grace Episcopal Church, Newton, MA (2023). Secured grant funding, designed the programming, and performed alongside members of the Won Buddhist Temple of Boston, ISKCON Boston, and various Christian representatives.
Recent Publications
“Holy Humanity: A Theopoetic Response to Suffering," New Horizons, 6, no. 2 (2021).
“Jainism: Tools for Religious Pluralism and Interreligious Dialogue,” Transactions 5, no. 4 (October–December 2021).