Doctoral Candidate
Systematic Theology
Minor: History of Christianity
Stokes Hall N430D
Email: grace.agolia@bc.edu
Teaching Fellow
Teaching Assistant
Title: "Saving Grace: Ministry and Mediation in the Church"
Director: Dr. Richard Lennan
Readers: Dr. John F. Baldovin, Dr. David G. Hunter, Dr. Edward P. Hahnenberg
Grace Mariette Agolia is a doctoral candidate in Systematic Theology with a minor in History of Christianity. She is a native of Long Island, New York, and she previously studied theology at Boston College School of Theology and Ministry (2019) and the University of Notre Dame (2017). Before beginning doctoral studies, Grace spent a year living in the L’Arche Daybreak community near Toronto. Her primary theological interest is ecclesiology, and her dissertation will focus on theology of ministry.
Grace has published articles in the peer-reviewed journals Philosophy & Theology (2020) and Worship (2017). She is a regular contributor to the pastoral publication, Give Us This Day, and she is the editor of Dr. Richard R. Gaillardetz's While I Breathe, I Hope: A Mystagogy of Dying (Liturgical Press, 2024).
She has also done research on the experiences of culturally Deaf Catholics across the United States, and she has engaged in catechetical formation, sacramental preparation, and liturgical ministries in various parishes. She serves on the board of directors for the L'Arche Boston North community in Haverhill, MA.
“Words into Silence.” Philosophy & Theology 31, no. 1 (2019): 223-249.
“Becoming ‘Signs’ of God: A Theological Aesthetics of Sign Language in the Liturgy.” Worship 91 (September 2017): 415-434.