Systematic Theology

Systematic Theology is the contemporary intellectual reflection on the content of divine revelation as an interrelated whole. The faculty seek to develop the student’s ability to treat theological material systematically and constructively; that is, according to a method that attends to the coherence and interconnectedness of the elements of the Christian tradition. The necessary role of historical, dogmatic and descriptive theological activity is thereby acknowledged. Systematic theology emphasizes the interrelationships that exist among central theological themes and topics while being sensitive to the socio-cultural contexts and dynamics within which these issues emerge.

Systematic Theology Faculty

Photo of Amey Victoria Adkins-Jones

Amey Victoria Adkins-Jones

Assistant Professor

Stokes Hall 455N
Photo of Mendoza-Álvarez, OP, Carlos

Carlos Mendoza-Álvarez, OP

Professor of Theology

Stokes Hall 335N
Photo of Brian Robinette

Brian Robinette

Associate Professor

Stokes Hall 333N
Photo of Ligita RylišKytė, S.J.E.

Ligita Ryliškytė, SJE

Assistant Professor

Stokes Hall 423N
Photo of undefined

Henry Shea, SJ

Assistant Professor

Stokes Hall 427N
Photo of Ulishney, Megan Loumagne

Megan Loumagne Ulishney

Assistant Professor

Stokes Hall 347N
Photo of Jeremy D. Wilkins

Jeremy D. Wilkins

Associate Professor; Director, Lonergan Institute

Stokes Hall 425N

Area Admissions Requirements

A master’s in theology.

12-16 courses, including:

  • Six or more courses in systematic theology
  • Two courses in an area other than the major or minor
  • Three or more courses according to declared minor with another area of the department
  • Systematic Theology colloquium

Language Requirements

  • Two modern research languages in theology (normally French and German)

Comprehensive Exams

  • Theological Method (two hours)
  • A systematic theological locus (two hours)
  • The student’s proposed dissertation topic (two hours)
  • One of the student’s two elective topic bibliographies (two hours)
  • The student’s minor area (normally three hours)


An oral examination follows the five written examinations.

Requirements for a Minor

  • Three courses
  • Special Project and three-hour Comprehensive Exam: The comprehensive exam will be based on the bibliography, developed with an advisor, on a theological topic, a major author, or a coherent cluster of minor authors from within the general area of Systemic Theology.