Study Abroad


There are excellent study abroad programs available at BC, arranged through the Office of International Programs (OIP) and approved, for sociology students, by Sociology Professor Gustavo Morello (McGuinn 422). In general, students are eligible to study abroad in their junior year, and should start preparation in the fall term of their sophomore year (although this is flexible, like the recommendations below; talk to Professor Morello if you want to go abroad and don't meet these criteria exactly). The following summarizes the process for sociology majors.

A. Recommended Prerequisites
B. Process
C. Scholarships
D. List of some recommended universities with pre-approved courses
E. General policy
F. Other study-abroad options

A. Recommended Prerequisites

  • Minimum 3.2 GPA
  • Complete five ourses prior to going abroad, including SOCY1001 Introductory Sociology and SOCY2215 Social Theory
  • Complete the equivalent of one year of the language proficiency requirement
  • Satisfactory disciplinary record

B. Process

  • In general, students study abroad in spring of their junior year, and start preparations near the beginning of the sophomore year. However, you can start preparations as a freshman, if you want, and students can still spend a semester abroad in their senior year. Whenever you decide to go, begin by contacting the Office of International Programs (OIP), located at Hovey House. OIP can be reached by phone at 617-552-3827 or by email at
  • Meet with Sociology Professor Gustavo Morello to discuss possible programs. Professor Morello (McGuinn 422) and the OIP will walk you through the process, although you can read more details at the Offices of International Programs website.
  • Students are encouraged to keep all of their written work, exams, notes, syllabi, etc. to file with Student Services upon return to guarantee a smooth transfer.

C. Scholarships
Note that it is possible to apply for scholarshipsthrough the OIP.

D. Pre-approved Courses
OIP provides a sociology page that links to partnership universities and pre-approved courses. These courses do not require individual approval from the department. Please note that this list does not guarantee course availability for your semester or year abroad. You’ll need to investigate the course schedule of the school that interests you in advance.

E. General Policy
Normally, only courses offered in a Department of Sociology or Anthropology will be accepted toward the major or minor.

F. Other Study-Abroad Options
While most students tend to participate in BC programs, you can also find study-abroad opportunities through approved external programs. Please note that you would still need to meet with an OIP adviser.