Email: xiaorui.huang@bc.edu
Environmental Sociology, Political Economy, Global and Transnational Sociology, Sociology of Development, Climate Change, Agrofood Studies, Sustainability Science, Quantitative Methods
Xiaorui Huang is a PhD candidate in the Department of Sociology at Boston College. His research focuses on environmental sociology, political economy, global and transnational sociology, sociology of development, climate change, agrofood studies, and sustainability science. His main research agenda examines the environmental, energy, and human well-being implications of international trade, income inequality, and economic development. He has also published on quantitative methodology and agricultural communities’ engagement with natural resource and climate change issues. Xiaorui is a member of the Global Environmental Sociology Lab at Boston College.
Xiaorui’s dissertation focuses on developing an analytical framework to examine countries’ multidimensional contributions via international supply chains to global greenhouse gas emissions, and investigating how countries’ economic development, income inequality, and renewable energy development affect such contributions.
Xiaorui’s published work appears in disciplinary and interdisciplinary journals such as Social Science Research, Climatic Change, Sociological Forum, Sociological Methodology, Sociology of Development, Ecological Economics, Energy Research and Social Science, Environmental Research, Science of the Total Environment, and Human Ecology Review. Some of his work has received widespread media coverage in outlets such as National Geographic, Science Daily, and Phys.org. He is a co-editor and contributor of the forthcoming Springer Handbook of Environmental Sociology.
Thombs, Ryan, Xiaorui Huang, and Jared Fitzgerald. Forthcoming. “What Goes Up Might Not Come Down: Modeling Directional Asymmetry with Large N, Large T Data.” Sociological Methodology.
Caniglia, Beth, Andrew K. Jorgenson, Stephanie A. Malin, Lori Peek, David N. Pellow, and Xiaorui Huang (Eds.). Handbook of Environmental Sociology. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer.
Givens, Jennifer, and Xiaorui Huang. Forthcoming. “Ecologically Unequal Exchange and Environmental Load Displacement.” In Handbook of Environmental Sociology. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer.
Thombs, Ryan P., Xiaorui Huang, Andrew K. Jorgenson. 2021. “It’s About Time: How Recent Advances in Time Series Analysis Techniques can Enhance Energy and Climate Research.” Energy Research & Social Science 72:101882.
Jorgenson, Andrew K., Ryan P. Thombs, Brett Clark, Jennifer E. Givens, Terrence D. Hill, Xiaorui Huang, Orla M. Kelly, Jared B. Fitzgerald. 2021. “Inequality Amplifies the Negative Association between Life Expectancy and Air Pollution: A Cross-National Longitudinal Study.” Science of The Total Environment 758:143705.
Jorgenson, Andrew, Jared Fitzgerald, Ryan Thombs, Terrence Hill, Jennifer Givens, Brett Clark, Juliet Schor, Xiaorui Huang, Orla Kelly, and Peter Ore. 2020. “The Multiplicative Impacts of Working Hours and Fine Particulate Matter Concentration on Life Expectancy: A Longitudinal Analysis of US States.” Environmental Research 191:110117.
Gareau, Brian J., Xiaorui Huang, Tara Pisani Gareau, and Sandra DiDonato. 2020. “The Strength of Green Ties: Massachusetts Cranberry Grower Social Networks and Effects on Climate Change Attitudes and Action.” Climatic Change 162: 1613-1636.
Thombs, Ryan, and Xiaorui Huang. 2019. “Uneven Decoupling: the Economic Growth/CO2 Emissions Relationship in the Global North, 1870-2014.” Sociology of Development 5:410-427.
Givens, Jennifer, Xiaorui Huang, and Andrew K. Jorgenson. 2019. “Ecologically Unequal Exchange: A Theory of Global Environmental Injustice.” Sociology Compass 13(5):e12693.
Gareau, Brian J., Xiaorui Huang, and Tara Pisani Gareau. 2018. “Social and Ecological Conditions of Cranberry Production and Climate Change Attitudes in New England.” PLOS One 13(12):e0207237.
Huang, Xiaorui, and Andrew K. Jorgenson. 2018. “The Asymmetrical Effects of Economic Development on Consumption-Based and Production-Based Carbon Dioxide Emissions, 1990-2014.” Socius 4:1-10.
Huang, Xiaorui. 2018. “Ecologically Unequal Exchange, Recessions, and Climate Change: A Longitudinal Study.” Social Science Research 73:1-12.
Jorgenson, Andrew K., Juliet Schor, Xiaorui Huang. 2017. “Income Inequality and Carbon Emissions in the United States: A State-level Analysis, 1997–2012.” Ecological Economics 134:40-48.
Jorgenson, Andrew K., Juliet Schor, Kyle W. Knight, and Xiaorui Huang. 2016. “Domestic Inequality and Carbon Emissions in Comparative Perspective.” Sociological Forum 31:770-786.
Donald J. White Teaching Excellence Award, Boston College, 2021.
Benedict S. Alper Graduate Fellowship, Sociology Department, Boston College (10,839 USD), 2020.
John B. Williamson Paper Award, Sociology Department, Boston College, 2019.
Severyn T. Bruyn Award for Outstanding Scholarship in Social Economy and Social Justice, Sociology Department, Boston College, 2017.
Ritchie P. Lowry Research Fellowship, Sociology Department, Boston College (5,000 USD), 2017.
GCSC First-Year Fellowship, Global Change and Sustainability Center, University of Utah (27,000 USD), 2014.
2018-Present, Teaching Fellow, Sociology Department, Boston College
2015-2018, Teaching Assistant, Sociology Department, Boston College