Carney Hall 264
Telephone: 617-552-1450
Email: amy.tishelman@bc.edu
PSYC3331 Developmental Psychopathology
PSYC3334 Interpersonal Violence
Dr. Amy Tishelman is a clinical and research psychologist, and a Research Associate Professor at Boston College in the Department of Psychology and Neuroscience, where she has been employed since 1993. Dr. Tishelman was also employed at Boston Children's Hospital for close to three decades, where she worked extensively in the areas of child maltreatment, interpersonal violence, and trauma. She is the former Director of Child Protection Clinical Services and Director of Training and Research in the Child Protection Program at BCH. She is also a specialist in the areas of gender diversity and sex trait variations in youth and young adults. She, along with colleagues, currently have funding from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to co-develop a self-advocacy tool for youth and emerging adults with variations in sex traits/intersex variations. At BCH, she last held the position of Director of Clinical Research in the Behavioral Health, Endocrinology, and Urology (BE-U) Program and the Gender Multispecialty Service (GeMS). These programs provide clinical care to youth and young adults with intersex variations, and/or gender diversities. Dr. Tishelman has been awarded several grants by the NIH as an MPI or Co-I, investigating well-being and/or gender development in children and adolescents, and youth/young adults with intersex variations. She was featured for her work by the Sexual and Gender Minority (SGM) office of the NIH in 2022. Dr. Tishelman was selected by the WPATH to be the international lead in developing the Child chapter for SOC 8, and by the American Psychological Association to co-chair a national task force on variations of sex traits/intersex variations. She is on several journal editorial boards and speaks and publishes frequently in her areas of expertise. She also serves frequently as an expert witness in her areas of expertise