McGuinn Hall 330
Telephone: 617-552-4188
Email: sd.slotnick@bc.edu
PSYC5571 Controversies in Cognitive Neuroscience
PSYC5572 Cognitive Neuroscience of Memory
PSYC5576 Methods in Human Brain Mapping
Prof. Slotnick investigates the cognitive neuroscience of visual attention and visual memory, capitalizing on the well-known functional–anatomic organization of visual perception. His lab employs multiple techniques, including behavioral studies, quantitative modeling, computational modeling, fMRI, ERPs, TMS, and research with patients to shed light on the complex nature of processing in the human mind and brain.
Prof. Slotnick joined the Psychology Department faculty in the summer of 2005. His research program aims to understand the nature of visual memory (i.e. memory for visual items or events). Drawing on the foundation of research in visual perception, he employs cognitive modeling (based on behavioral measures), event-related potentials (ERPs), and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). His research indicates that memory retrieval is a continuous process that is constructive in nature, where features or components from disparate cortical regions bind together to form a unified memory.