Baglivo, J.A. 1979. An equivariant Wall obstruction theory, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society , 256, 305-324.
Brousseau, D.J., J.A. Baglivo, and G.E. Lang 1982. Estimation of equilibrium settlement rates for benthic marine invertebrates; its application to Mya arenaria, Fisheries Bulletin 80, 642-644.
Thaler, H.T., J.A. Baglivo, H.C. Lu, and D.A. Rottenberg 1982. Repeated least squares analysis of simulated xenon CT measurements of regional cerebral blood flow, Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism , 2, 408-414.
Baglivo, J.A., and J.E. Graver 1983 (reissued 2010). Incidence and Symmetry in Design and Architecture , Cambridge University Press, England. Mathematics course for architecture students. Covers topics in mathematical graph theory and group theory with applications in architectural design. 1983: ISBN 0 521 23045 8 hard cover, ISBN 521 29784 2 paper back. 2010: ISBN 978-0-521-23043-8 hardback, ISBN 978-0-521-29784-4 paperback. 2
Cascino, T., J. Baglivo, J. Conti, J. Szewczykowski, J. Posner, and D. Rottenberg 1983. Quantitative CT assessment of furosemide and mannitol induced changes in brain water content, Neurology , 33, 893-903.
Potter, V.P., M. Sorrell, J.A. Baglivo, H. Sather, and D.R. Miller 1984. Prognostic signifi- cance of vacuoles in L1 lymphoblasts in childhood lymphoblastic leukemia, British Journal of Haematology , 56, 215-222.
Brousseau, D.J. and J.A. Baglivo 1984. Sensitivity of the population growth rate to changes in single life history parameters; its application to Mya arenaria, Fisheries Bulletin 82, 537-541.
Portenoy, R., C. Abissi, R. Lipton, A. Berger, M. Meyer, J. Baglivo, and S. Solomon 1984. Headache in cerebrovascular disease, Stroke , 15, 1009-1012.
Baglivo, J., D. Olivier and M. Pagano 1985. Computing Fisher and likelihood ratio exact tail probabilities for contingency tables, Proceedings of Statistical Computing Section, American Statistical Association , 70-77.
Kuban, K., A. Leviton, K. Krishnamoorthy, E. Brown, R. Teele, J. Baglivo, K. Sullivan, K. Huff, S. White, R. Cleveland, E. Allred, K. Spritzer, H. Skoutelli, P. Cayea, and M. Epstein 1985. Neonatal Intracranial Hemorrhage and Phenobarbital, Pediatrics , 77, 443-450.
Brousseau, D.J. and J.A. Baglivo 1987. A comparative study of Age and Growth in Mya arenaria (soft-shell clam) from three populations in Long Island Sound, Journal of Shellfish Research , 6,17-24.
Kuban, K., A. Leviton, K. Krishnamoorthy, E. Brown, J. Baglivo, K. Sullivan, E. Allred 1987. Respiratory complications in low birthweight babies who receive phenobarbital, American Journal of Diseases of Children , 141,996-999.
Leviton, A., J.A. Baglivo, K. Kuban, E. Brown and K. Krishnamoorthy 1987. The prophy- lactic clinical trial as an epidemiologic resource, Controlled Clinical Trials , 8,243-254.
Brousseau, D.J. and J.A. Baglivo 1988. Life tables for two field populations of Mya arenaria from Long Island Sound, Fisheries Bulletin , 86, 567-579.
Baglivo, J.A., D. Olivier and M. Pagano 1988. Methods for the Analysis of Contingency Tables with Large and Small Cell Counts, Journal of the American Statistical Association , 83, 1006-1013.
Skouteli, H., K. Kuban, A. Leviton, E. Brown, K. Krishnamoorthy, M. Pagano, E. Allred, K. Sullivan, J. Baglivo, K. Huff, M. Epstein 1988. Arterial blood gas derangements associated with death and intracranial hemorrhage in premature babies, Journal of Perinatology , VIII, 336-341.
Brousseau, D.J. and J.A. Baglivo 1991. Field and laboratory comparisons of mortality in normal and neoplastic Mya arenaria, Journal of Invertebrate Pathology , 57, 59-65.
Baglivo, J.A., D. Olivier and M. Pagano 1992. Methods for Exact Goodness-Of-Fit Tests, Journal of the American Statistical Association , 87, 464-469.
Brousseau, D.J. and J.A. Baglivo 1991. Disease progression and mortality rates in neoplastic Mya arenaria under field conditions, Marine Biology , 110, 249-252. 3
Baglivo, J.A., D. Olivier and M. Pagano 1993. Analysis of discrete data: rerandomization methods and complexity, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis , 16, 175-184.
Baglivo, J., M. Pagano and C. Spino 1993. Rerandomization Inference: Theory and Practice, in Proceedings of the 25th Symposium on the Interface (Vol. 25), eds. M.E. Tarter and M.D. Lock, Berkeley USA: Interface Foundation of North America, 422-431.
Baglivo, J., M. Pagano and C. Spino 1993. Symbolic Computation of Permutation Distri- butions, Proceedings of the Statistical Computing Section, American Statistical Association , 218-223.
Brousseau, D.J. and J.A. Baglivo 1994. Notes on Epizootiological Aspects (Sex and Age) of Disseminated Neoplasia in Mya Arenaria, Journal of Invertebrate Pathology , 63, 214-216.
Baglivo, J.A. 1995. Computer algebra systems: Maple and Mathematica, The American Statistician , 49, 86-92.
Baglivo, J., M. Pagano and C. Spino 1996. Permutation Distributions via Generating Func- tions with Applications to Sensitivity Analysis of Discrete Data, Journal of the American Statistical Association , 97, 1037-1046.
Ford, S., Smolowitz, R., Brousseau, D. and J. Baglivo 1999. Current and Potential Effects of Dermo and Other Diseases on Cultured Oysters in the Northeast: Implications for Animal Health Management, final technical report, Northeast Regional Aquaculture Center , 56 pages.
Brousseau, D. and J. Baglivo 2000. Modeling Seasonal Proliferation of the Parasite, Perkin- sus marinus , in Field Populations of the Oyster Crassostrea virginica , Journal of Shellfish Research , 19, 133-138.
Brousseau, D., Filipowicz, A., and J. Baglivo 2001. Laboratory investigations of predator sex and size on prey selection by the Asian shore crab, Hemigrapsus sanguineus Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology , 262, 199-210.
Brousseau, D., Filipowicz, A., and J. Baglivo 2002. An experimental field study of site fidelity and mobility in the Asian shore crab, Hemigrapsus sanguineus , Northeastern Naturalist , 9, 381-390.
Baglivo, J. 2002. Teaching permutation and bootstrap methods, Proceedings of the Joint Statistical Meetings , American Statistical Association, 6 pages, CD: JSM 2001.
Brousseau, D., Kriksciun, K., and J. Baglivo 2003. Fiddler crab burrow usage by the Asian crab in a Long Island salt marsh, Northeastern Naturalist , 10(4), 415-420.
Baglivo, J. 2005. Mathematica laboratories for mathematical statistics: emphasizing simula- tion and computer intensive methods, ASA-SIAM Series on Statistics and Applied Probability , volume 14, 277 pages (text) and 685 pages (CD). Project presents an integrated approach to using technology throughout the mathematical statistics sequence (probability theory, in- troductory and intermediate mathematical statistics), and includes introductions to modern computationally intensive statistical methods. Text introduces important concepts and tech- niques. CD includes introductions to built-in and custom Mathematica commands and more than 230 laboratory problems. ISBN 0 89871 566 0 . 4
Baglivo, J. 2005. Instructor’s supplement to Mathematica laboratories for mathematical statistics: emphasizing simulation and computer intensive methods, ASA-SIAM Series on Statistics and Applied Probability , volume 14, 560 pages (CD). CD includes complete solutions to all laboratory problems, additional problem ideas, and additional instruction on the use of technology to support mathematical statistics courses. ISBN 0 89871 570 9 .
Brousseau, D. and J. Baglivo 2005. Laboratory studies of food selection by the Asian crab, Hemigrapsus sanguineus , algal versus animal preference, Journal of Crustacean Biology , 25(1), 130-134.
Brousseau, D. and J. Baglivo. Modelling cycles of infection in a field population of the oyster Crassostrea virginica in Long Island Sound, in preparation .
Ebel, J., Chambers, D., Kafka, A. and J. Baglivo 2007. Non-Poissonian earthquake clustering and the hidden Markov model as bases for earthquake forecasting in California, Seismological Research Letters , 78(1):47-55.
Baglivo, J. Mathematics for statistics: all the math you never had, in preparation . Applied mathematics course for graduate students in the behavioral and social sciences and the profes- sional schools. Covers topics in combinatorics, probability, single and multivariable calculus, and linear algebra with applications in statistics. Third draft (2006), 251 pages.
Baglivo J. Principles of statistics for the health sciences, in preparation . Mathematics core course for nursing and other health sciences students. Presents statistics as a liberal discipline, emphasizing general methods of inquiry that apply in a wide variety of settings, and including applications in the health sciences. Revised First Draft (2010), 207 pages.
Baglivo J. Research notes: statistical genetics & algebraic statistics, in preparation . Concepts and techniques needed for research projects in statistical genetics, with an emphasis on algebraic ideas. Third draft (2010), 154 pages.
Chambers, D., Baglivo, J., Ebel, J. and A. Kafka 2010. Earthquake forecasting using hidden Markov models, 15 pages, to appear in Pure and Applied Geophysics