Stokes Hall South 312
Email: laura.clerx@bc.edu
Asia in the World, Modern Atlantic Worlds, World of Early Modern Europe, Globalization, Europe in the World II
Early American Republic; nineteenth-century United States; history of science (scientific knowledge and practice); social structure of science and learned societies in the early national U.S.; material culture and political economy; economic history; environmental history
Laura Clerx's dissertation, “Nature’s Properties: Science and Commerce in Early America, 1780-1850,” explores the relationship between scientific and economic activity in the lives of early Americans seeking to expand national markets into the North American continent’s interior during a critically formative period in U.S. history.
Her dissertation research has been supported by the American Philosophical Society, the Consortium for the History of Science, Technology, and Medicine, the Massachusetts Historical Society, the Boston Athenaeum, and the Rehoboth Antiquarian Society.
Clerx, Laura Elizabeth. "A Return to our Roots: Countering Epidemic Disease with Plant-Derived Medicine" in The History of Contagion in Harvard Library's Collections. Harvard Library Bulletin 2021. https://nrs.harvard.edu/URN-3:HUL.INSTREPOS:37368740.
Clerx, L.E., F.E. Rockwell, J.A., Savage, J.A., and N.M. Holbrook. 2020. Ontogenetic scaling of phloem sieve tube anatomy and hydraulic resistance with tree height in Quercus rubra. American Journal of Botany 107(6): 852-863.
Savage, J.A., S.D. Beecher, L. Clerx, J.T. Gersony, J. Knoblauch, J.M. Losada, K.H. Jensen, M. Knoblauch, and N.M Holbrook. 2017. Maintenance of carbohydrate transport in tall trees. Nature Plants 3: 965-972.